Rendering of new Lewtak organ for Lutheran Church of the Epiphany, Winston-Salem, North Carolina Lewtak to build organ for Lutheran Church of the Epiphany, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Parsons Pipe Organ Builders Opus 52, Saint Benedict Catholic Cathedral, Evansville, Indiana Parsons Pipe Organ Builders Opus 52
Silbermann organ, Cathedral, Freiberg, Germany (photo credit: Bernd Gross; reproduced under Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license: Gottfried Silbermann Organ Competition
1977 Casavant Opus 3340, Salem Lutheran Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin Buzard relocates Casavant Opus 3340
Ruffatti organ, St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, Sunday Afternoon Musical Meditations
Servanthood of Song: Music, Ministry, and the Church in the United States Servanthood of Song: Music, Ministry, and the Church in the United States