

It is now nearly the end of July—where is Summer ’18 going with such a rush? We here at THE DIAPASON trust that you have been able to find some time to relax and regenerate during these pleasant,…
As you receive this newsletter, we will be approaching the Independence Day holiday. The staff of THE DIAPASON wishes you a happy and safe holiday! We remind you, especially if you are traveling, to…
As you receive this newsletter, we will be approaching the Memorial Day weekend, the official beginning of summer! The staff of THE DIAPASON wishes you a relaxed and restorative few months ahead. If…
As many of our readers have been very busy with Palm Sunday, Easter, and other musical events, we hope that as we approach the end of April, you have had some opportunity to have a less hectic week…
You are receiving this newsletter a week earlier than usual, as many of us are in our last week of preparation before Palm Sunday, Easter, and those busy days in between that take up most of our…
Many of us are now busy at work on all aspects of the Lenten and Easter seasons. We hope that you will find time among your many activities to absorb the offerings of this month’s issue of THE…
As I write this in late January, most of us are experiencing a relative heat wave, just a week ago having been in a deep freeze! This should remind us that spring will soon be here, and of course,…
The staff of The Diapason trusts that you had a pleasant and safe Advent and Christmas season. As many of us are church musicians, we know that you have worked very hard over the last several weeks…
The staff of The Diapason trusts that you had a pleasant Thanksgiving holiday. As so many of us are church musicians now entering our very busy season of Advent and Christmas, make sure your weeks…
Here in the Midwest, the autumn colors are nearly at their peak. At The Diapason, we are now working on our 2018 Resource Directory of businesses in the world of the organ, harpsichord, carillon, and…