
The Diapason February 2018 Newsletter

February 15, 2018

Many of us are now busy at work on all aspects of the Lenten and Easter seasons. We hope that you will find time among your many activities to absorb the offerings of this month’s issue of THE DIAPASON! And take a moment to browse the many news and event listings in this newsletter.

Our February issue is full of interesting items. How many three-manual harpsichords have you experienced? One is pictured on page 11. Our new editor-at-large, Andrew Schaeffer, introduces himself to you on page 3. Planning a recital program? John Collins suggests composers whose anniversaries of birth or death occur in 2018, beginning on page 20. Many of us have played a Hinners or Hinners & Albertsen organ at some point in our lifetime. Allison Alcorn provides us a concise history of this unique organbuilder from Pekin, Illinois, beginning on page 22.

Our newsletter sponsor for February is Russell & Co. Organ Builders of Chester, Vermont (www.russellorgans.com). The February cover feature on pages 26–27 spotlights their new organ at Zion Lutheran Church, Appleton, Wisconsin (www.zionappleton.com).

—Stephen Schnurr 
Editorial Director & Publisher 
[email protected]

Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]