

From the editor Welcome to THE DIAPASON E-News. Among the stories in this issue:  Stephen G. Schaeffer retires from the Cathedral Church of the Advent in Birmingham, Alabama; Alan Morrison selected…
From the editor Welcome to THE DIAPASON E-News. Among the stories in this issue:  Oberlin Conservatory of Music welcomes two distinguished visiting professors of organ during the 2012–13 academic…
    Among the stories in this issue:  the Kotzschmar Organ at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, celebrates its centennial August 17–22; Craig Carnahan won the 2012 Twin Cities AGO Composition…
My wife Wendy’s daughter Meg is a vibrant young woman who inherited an intense sense of curiosity from her mother. She’s an avid reader, an intense student of whatever is the subject of the day, and…
In the June issue of The Diapason Among the offerings in this issue of The Diapason, Marijim Thoene reports on the performance of François Couperin’s two Organ Masses at the University of Michigan.…