
The Diapason March 2018 Newsletter

March 16, 2018

You are receiving this newsletter a week earlier than usual, as many of us are in our last week of preparation before Palm Sunday, Easter, and those busy days in between that take up most of our attention. It’s that time of the year when we switch out our snow blowers for the lawn mowers, at least, here in the Midwest. Some of us will soon begin our annual ritual of “spring cleaning.”

Be sure to reserve some time to check out the many news items presented to you in this email. You’ll find news of recitals, new organs, new music, new recordings, and summer conferences—the list goes on!

Have you taken time to look through our March issue? We know that many of you enjoyed Allison Alcorn’s articles on the Hinners & Albertsen organ in Red Wing, Minnesota. I’m sure many of you read with interest the remembrances of the late Luigi Tagliavini of Italy. Our April issue will have a remembrance of the late Yuko Hayashi of Boston, as well as an interview with Morgan and Mary Simmons of Chicago.

Our newsletter sponsor for March is Kegg Pipe Organ Builders (www.keggorgan.com) of Hartville, Ohio, whose organ for St. John Vianney Theological Seminary (http://sjvdenver.edu) of Denver, Colorado, is our March cover feature.

—Stephen Schnurr 
Editorial Director & Publisher 
[email protected]

Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]