
The Diapason January 2018 Newsletter

January 22, 2018

As I write this in late January, most of us are experiencing a relative heat wave, just a week ago having been in a deep freeze! This should remind us that spring will soon be here, and of course, Lent and Easter are just around the corner. Spend a few moments browsing through our news items here in your newsletter: news of appointments, competitions, publications, and dozens of events around the country. Be sure you read about our new editor-at-large, Andrew Schaeffer, who began work with us on December 1. Andrew is a member of our 20 Under 30 Class of 2015 and is very involved in the world of the organ and church music. We look forward to the benefits of his many gifts in the years to come.

We remind you that we have begun a digital magazine option in our subscriptions, in addition to our traditional print subscription, at a reduced rate of $35 for one year. All student subscriptions are now offered with the digital magazine, still at our $20 rate. Any subscriber can log into our website (www.thediapason.com) to sample the digital edition. With the digital edition, you do not experience delays in receiving mail or damaged issues!

Our newsletter sponsor for January is A. E. Schlueter Pipe Organ Co. (http://pipe-organ.com). Their cover feature in the January issue spotlights their new organ at First Baptist Church of Christ, Macon, Georgia (www.fbcxmacon.org).

—Stephen Schnurr 
Editorial Director & Publisher 
[email protected]


Stephen Schnurr

Editorial Director & Publisher 

[email protected]