
Welcome to THE DIAPASON E-News for July

July 25, 2012



Among the stories in this issue:  the Kotzschmar Organ at Merrill Auditorium in Portland, Maine, celebrates its centennial August 17–22; Craig Carnahan won the 2012 Twin Cities AGO Composition Competition; Dennis Janzer’s two new volumes of organ works are published by Wayne Leupold Editions; James F. Mellichamp was named president of Piedmont College; John Near won the OHS John Ogasapian Publication Prize; and more. 

To read the news stories below, click on the link in the headline highlighted in color.  That takes you to the full text on our website.  From there, you can also link to additional information about the story. 

Take a moment to explore our new website, which includes many new features.

Our newsletter sponsor this month is Buzard Pipe Organ Builders.  Clicking on their ads will take you to their website.

Send a free sample copy of THE DIAPASON to a student, colleague, or friend.  Just send me a message by e-mail or phone, and I will send the current issue.

Jerome Butera

Editor and Publisher



[email protected]

Jerome Butera

Jerome Butera is editor and publisher of The Diapason.