
Editor's Notebook

June 20, 2012

In the June issue of The Diapason

Among the offerings in this issue of The Diapason, Marijim Thoene reports on the performance of François Couperin’s two Organ Masses at the University of Michigan. Jean-Louis Coignet provides a description of the new organ at the Cathedral of Monaco, built by the Belgian firm Manufacture d’orgues Thomas. Christina Hutten recounts her experiences with historical Italian organs, their surroundings, and their music. The cover feature is Pasi Organ Builders Opus 19, their largest instrument to date, at Sacred Heart Co-Cathedral, Houston, Texas.

John Bishop devotes his column “In the wind . . .” to the importance of teachers and the dynamics of the teacher-student relationship. Gavin Black discusses leaving out notes as an advanced practice technique, following up on his column last month on altered rhythms. All this is in addition to our regular departments of news (people, instruments, and events), reviews, new organs, an international calendar, organ recital programs, and more.


The Diapason website includes video and audio recordings of organs from around the world, including the Welte-Philharmonie organ at Seewen, Solothurn, Switzerland, organs by Hermans and Tronci in Pistoia, Italy, the Möller organ at Carl Schurz High School in Chicago, and others. Be sure to visit www.TheDiapason.com.

The Diapason website

The Diapason website is being redesigned, upgraded, and enhanced with more features, including interactive applications. Most of the website is accessible only to Diapason subscribers. When logging in, you will be asked for your subscriber number: that is the seven digits following DPP above your name on the mailing label of your copy. Be sure to enter only the seven digits, not the DPP. If you have any difficulties or questions about the website, call or send me an e-mail message.

Among the many features on our website are news and article archives, classified ads with photos, artist spotlights with photos and biographies, the current issue of The Diapason, breaking news stories, and information on suppliers in our Resource Directory. Our online calendar currently includes over 300 listings.


Jerome Butera

847/391-1045; [email protected]


Jerome Butera

Jerome Butera is editor and publisher of The Diapason.