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Wigton Pipe Organs project

December 20, 2017
C. E. Morey organ, Our Lady’s Chapel, St. Mary of Piscataway, Clinton, MD

Wigton Pipe Organs, Dryden, Michigan, recently installed a nine-stop mechanical-action organ for St. Mary’s of Piscataway Catholic Church, Clinton, Maryland. The organ, built by C. E. Morey of Utica, New York, is now in its third home.

Installed in Our Lady’s Chapel, the organ replaces a small one-manual instrument that had proven to be inadequate for liturgies. The organ, originally built in 1902, looks at home in the 1903 chapel.

Rebuilding work included re-tabling the manual slider chests, renovating the mechanical key action, rebuilding the manual and pedal keyboards, refinishing the casework, and providing a blower in a sound-absorbing box. The case front and façade pipes were modified to fit the lower ceiling, and the pipes were redecorated and gilded by Oyster Pipe Works of Louisville, Ohio. More than 1,300 hours went into rebuilding and installing the instrument.

For information: www.wigtonpipeorgans.com.