Stephen G. Schaeffer has been appointed Regional Sales Representative for Alabama and western Georgia for the Reuter Organ Company, Lawrence, Kansas. Dr. Schaeffer was named Director of Music and Organist Emeritus at the Cathedral Church of the Advent, Birmingham, Alabama, following a 25-year tenure, prior to which he served on the music faculty and as chairman of the Department of Fine Arts at Presbyterian College, Clinton, South Carolina.
A graduate of the St. Thomas Choir School in New York City, Schaeffer graduated from Davidson College, and earned Master of Music and Doctor of Musical Arts degrees at the College-Conservatory of Music of the University of Cincinnati. He holds the First Prize in Organ from the Conservatoire National de Région in Lyon, France.
Dr. Schaeffer has served as an organ consultant to numerous churches. His recording, Stephen Schaeffer Plays the Advent Organ, released last year, features the 100-rank Möller organ at the Cathedral. Schaeffer continues as a church musician and performer and serves on the executive board of the Birmingham AGO chapter.
For information: 785/843-2622;