Consultant Thom Miles played the dedicatory recital of M. P. Rathke, Inc. Opus 8 on September 25 at Newtown United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, to a capacity audience. Housed in a case of solid walnut, this compact two-manual, ten-rank instrument is the first pipe organ for this historic church, which dates from 1867.
The organ employs suspended mechanical key action and mechanical stop action. Manual sharps are of rosewood capped with cow bone, with naturals of grenadil. The pedalboard is flat and non-radiating. Key compasses are 58/30, and the organ uses Kellner temperament at A=441. The walnut pipeshades were carved by sculptor Morgan Faulds Pike of Rockport, Massachusetts; the wrought iron stopknobs were accomplished by blacksmith Louise Pezzi of Philadelphia.
Manual II (unenclosed)
8′ Stopped Diapason
4′ Open Flute
8′ German Trumpet
Tremulant (general)
Manual I (unenclosed)
8′ Principal (#9–25 façade)
8′ Gemshorn
4′ Octave
2-2⁄3′ Twelfth
2′ Fifteenth
Pedal (unenclosed)
16′ Bourdon
8′ Open Diapason
The program included works by Mendelssohn, Bennett, Pachelbel, Hindemith, Alkan, Schumann, and Bach. For further information on M. P. Rathke:
(photo credit: R Wesley Thompson)