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Francophone Federation Friends of the Organ Tour

Francophone Federation Friends of the Organ
Francophone Federation Friends of the Organ

The Francophone Federation Friends of the Organ (FFAO) presents its annual Organ Tour July 17–July 21, 2023, in Le Mans between Sarthe and Loire.

The route will explore the region and its finest instruments, with the collaboration of professional French and Belgian organists.

Organs visited: Alençon, Château-du-Loir, Le Mans (cathedral, reformed church, oratory of the Montesquieu high school), La Ferté-Bernard, Mamers, Marolles-les-Braults, Sablé-sur-Sarthe, Saint-Calais, Saumur ( Notre-Dame de Nantilly, Saint-Pierre), Sées, Solesmes, Vion (Notre-Dame du Chêne).

For information:

Telephone: +33 (0)6 80 16 46 65 or +33 (0)6 19 51 12 98 (France) and +32 (0)4 367 09 44 (Belgium).




Other upcoming events:

Wanamaker Organ Day

Piccolo Spoleto 2023 L'Organo series

St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, Sunday concerts


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