Piccolo Spoleto presents the 2023 L’Organo series in Charleston, South Carolina.
May 29, Raphael Attila Vogl, Grace Church Cathedral
May 30, Ryan Chan, St.Matthew's Lutheran Church
May 31, Patrick Pope, Grace Church Cathedral
June 1, Valentina Huang, Cathedral of St. Luke and St. Paul
June 2, Jared Lamenzo, French Huguenot Church
June 3, Wesley Hall, Mother Emanuel AME Church
June 4, Jihye Choi, Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
June 5, Lee Kohlenberg, First Scots Presbyterian Church
June 6, Paul Byssainthe, Jr., Grace Church Cathedral
June 7, Eddie Zheng, St. Michael's Church
June 8, Anthony Williams, First (Scots)Presbyterian
June 9, Margaret Harper, Cathedral of St. John the Baptist
For information: http://www.piccolospoleto.com/lorgano/
Scott Watson, Director, Office of Cultural Affairs
Murray Forbes Somerville, DMA, L’Organo Committee Chair
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