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Kotzschmar 2023–2024 season

The Kotzschmar Organ
The Kotzschmar Organ

Friends of the Kotzschmar Organ, Merrill Auditorium, Portland, Maine, announces its 2023–2024 season, featuring the auditorium’s historic Austin organ, with events presenting James Kennerley, unless otherwise noted:

July 15, Fab Film Music
August 18, John Weaver Memorial Concert featuring Paul Jacobs
September 23, Buster Keaton’s "The General"
October 28, Kotzschmar Spooktacular for children ages 2–12
October 28, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde
December 22, Christmas with Kennerley
March 22, 2024, Bach Birthday Bash.

For information:


Other upcoming events:

St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco

RCCO and OHS Convention in Toronto

Francophone Federation Friends of the Organ Tour

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