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Fisk Festival @ First

C. B. Fisk Opus 133, First Presbyterian, Santa Fe

First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe, NM, is hosting the Fisk Festival @ First, October 19 through November 10.

Celebrating ten years with Op. 133 of C. B. Fisk and the popular, weekly TGIF recital series started when the organ was dedicated, the Fisk Festival @ First will showcase four inspiring talents of the organ community: Janette Fishell, Scott Montgomery, Kimberly Marshall, and Nathan Laube with a 5:30 Friday concert and a 10 amnoon Saturday masterclass. 

All events are open to all and a free will offering will be received at the concert.  Proceeds from the offering are designated for the expenses of these programs and future TGIF concerts.  Masterclass participants have signed up in advance, but all are invited to observe the expert teaching of these renowned masters of the organ. 

For more information see and

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