C. B. Fisk will celebrate the completion of their Opus 152, with an open house and tour of their shop in Gloucester, Massachusetts.
Saturday, June 23
2 pm –6 pm
Opus 152 is built for First United Methodist Church, Pittsburg, Kansas: two manuals, 27 stops, 22 independent voices. The new organ will be placed on the centerline of the church at the front of the sanctuary, allowing for it to speak unimpaired into the nave. Choir seating will be arranged around the beveled base of the organ in such a way as to offer all choristers a clear line of sight to the organist. The stoplist, with a limited Great division and a very large Swell, was devised with an emphasis on choral accompaniment and the specific musical roles an organ must play in the Methodist liturgy. The music program at the church is directed by Dr. Susan Marchant.
For information: http://www.cbfisk.com/instruments/opus_152
C.B. Fisk, Inc.
21 Kondelin Road
Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930