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Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival 17th Anniversary

September 5–7, 2014

David Spicer

David Spicer began as Minister of Music and the Arts at First Church of Christ in Wethersfield, Connecticut, in 1986. In 1996, he and Dr. Harold Robles founded the Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival. Spicer is a graduate of the Curtis Institute of Music, where he studied with Dr. Alexander McCurdy, and is a graduate of the Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary.


To encourage young organists—this has been our raison d’être for the past seventeen years of the Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival, something with which all of us in the profession agree.

It was indeed a treat to hear such wonderfully prepared young organists at the Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival in September! One can marvel at these students developing their talents and be grateful for their excellent teachers. That, combined with wonderful organ music, set the stage for the seventeenth annual festival. We are grateful to be able to encourage young organists with this competition. We had some wonderful applicants who sent in outstanding CDs. Judges for this year’s festival were Diane Meredith Belcher, Charles Callahan, and Ken Cowan.

On Friday evening, September 5, our traditional opening concert was held. The service/choral portions were played by the author: Andante (Grand Pièce Symphonique, op. 17), Psalm 150, Franck; Christ Is Made the Sure Foundation (Christ Church), Dirksen; Kyrie (from Messe Solennelle, op. 16), Vierne; He Comes to Us (text by Albert Schweitzer), Marshall; Go Ye Into All the World, Wetzler; Let Heaven Rejoice (text by Hal M. Helms; tune, Rock Harbor, by Alan MacMillan).

Each of the judges played selections of their own choosing on the Austin organ at the opening event. A video camera, via closed-circuit television, projected a view of the organists in the balcony onto a screen downstairs. The selections were: Allein Gott in der Höh sei Ehr, BWV 662, Bach, and Passacaglia on a Theme by Dunstable, Weaver, played by Diane Meredith Belcher; Lyric Prelude and Fugue, Callahan, and Risoluto, op. 68, Parker, played by Charles Callahan; Fantasie in F Minor, K. 608, Mozart, played by Ken Cowan.

Saturday morning, from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, the high school division finalists played the required repertoire; at 2 p.m. the young professional division finalists were heard. All finalists were required to play the hymn tune St. Thomas (Williams).

The high school division finalists and the works they played were:

Clara Gerdes—Bach, Prelude and Fugue in A Minor, BWV 543; Widor, Adagio (from Symphony No. 5); Messiaen, Transports de Joie (from L’Ascension); hymn, Coronation.

Alexander Pattavina—Bach, Fantasia and Fugue in C Minor, BWV 537; Widor, Meditation (from Symphony No. 1); Langlais, Fête; hymn, Ein’ Feste Burg.

Richard Gress—Bach, Prelude and Fugue in G Major, BWV 541; Widor, Andante Cantabile (from Symphony No. 5 in F Minor); Messiaen, Transports de Joie (from L’Ascension); hymn, Veni Creator (1940 Hymnal #217).

The young professional division finalists and the works they played were:

Evan Cogswell—Franck, Choral No. 2 in B Minor; Messiaen, Communion (from Messe de la Pentecôte); Bach, Fantasy and Fugue in G Minor, BWV 542; hymn, Slane.

Brian Glikes—Bach, Trio Sonata No. 5, BWV 529; Franck, Choral No. 2 in B Minor; Messiaen, Offrande et Alléluia final; hymn, Diademata.

Nicholas Quardokus—Bach, Prelude and Fugue in D Major, BWV 532; Franck, Choral No. 1 in E Major; Vierne, Finale (from Symphonie VI); hymn, Ein’ Feste Burg.

Later that evening, all finalists and judges had a chance for interaction and discussion over a delicious meal provided by Dana Spicer at the Solomon Welles House in Wethersfield.

On Sunday, September 7, the young professional finalists played portions of the 8:45 a.m. worship service. In addition, we thank Ezequiel Menéndez, who invited the finalists to play portions of the 11 a.m. Mass at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford. In Wethersfield at 1:30 p.m., a masterclass with the three judges was held. Many important topics were covered and awards were presented.


The judges’ decisions

High school division: first place, Clara Gerdes from Davidson, North Carolina, a student of Alan Morrison at the Curtis Institute of Music; second place, Alexander Pattavina from Stoughton, Massachusetts, a student of Paul Jacobs at the Juilliard School of Music; third place, Richard Gress from Newmarket, New Hampshire, student of Bruce Adami.

Young professional division: first place, Nicholas Quardokus from Bridgeman, Michigan, student of Janette Fishell at the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University; second place, Brian Glikes from Rochester, New York, student of David Higgs at the Eastman School of Music; third place, Evan Cogswell from Glastonbury, Connecticut, student of Patricia Snyder, and a recent graduate of the Hartt School of Music.

We are grateful to Robert Bausmith and Jill Peters-Gee, M.D. for giving the young professional division first prize of $3,500; the young professional division second prize of $1,500 came from several individuals in the First Church of Christ community and others. Our thanks to the Helen L. Reinfrank Music Fund for the $2,000 award for first prize in the high school division and to Marilyn Austin and family for the high school division second place prize of $1,000. Thanks go to John Gorton and Richard Pilch for providing $1,000 for the David Spicer Hymn Playing Award, which was given to young professional division finalist Nicholas Quardokus.

Special thanks go to Bon Smith of Austin Organ Service Company of Avon, Connecticut, who was on hand throughout the Saturday competition to offer volunteer assistance, should the organ have needed it. Thanks to Linda Henderson, festival coordinator and associate, for so ably performing the organizational work that made the festival run smoothly and efficiently.

Churches that allowed their instruments to be used for additional practice included the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Hartford, Ezequiel Menéndez, director of music; First Church of Christ, Glastonbury, Angela Salcedo, director of music ministries; and Trinity Episcopal Church, Wethersfield, the Reverend Lois Keen, interim rector.

We are taking steps to move this festival to a more community-based organization. Robert Bausmith is the chairperson, and a board of directors has been formed; I will remain as the artistic director. We are looking forward to having this wonderful event at alternate sites in the future. In our efforts to make this happen, the two first-place winners, Clara Gerdes (high school division) and Nicholas Quardokus (young professional division) will return to play their recitals at Trinity College Chapel, Hartford, Connecticut, on June 14, 2015, at 7 p.m.

Plans are underway for the 2015 Albert Schweitzer Organ Festival September 11–13, 2015. Information about the festival and current competition requirements are available by telephone at 860/529-1575, ext. 209, by e-mail at [email protected], or at the ASOF website: 

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