David E. Wallace & Co., Gorham, Maine: St. Paul’s Anglican Parish, Brockton, Massachusetts

David E. Wallace & Co.,
Gorham, Maine
St. Paul’s Anglican Parish,
Brockton, Massachusetts
David E. Wallace and Company has completed their Opus 66 for St. Paul’s Anglican Parish of Brockton, Massachusetts. The installation of the organ was completed in time for All Saints celebrations during the first week of November 2011.
The two-manual, seven-rank organ was designed to accommodate the present worship space as well as its future permanent installation in the chapel at St. Paul’s, which will be built at a later date. The basic scheme of the organ is based on the small-two manual “Catalogue” instruments offered by the Hook & Hastings Company in the late 19th century. The Great is open, while the Swell is enclosed in a traditional swell box. The tonal disposition of the organ was designed for the organ’s eventual location in the smaller chapel space and accordingly has an 8′ flute rather than an 8′ principal as the foundation for the Great division of the organ.
The Wallace instrument uses four ranks of well-seasoned existing pipework. The Swell 8′ Stopped Diapason (plus the 12-note 16′ Pedal extension) and 4′ Night Horn are from a Hook & Hastings organ. The 8′ tenor-C Clarinet is from an unknown original source and was made by well-known Westfield, Massachusetts reed maker Henry T. Levi. The Great 8′ Chimney Flute is from an 1872 George Stevens organ. The meticulous restoration of the Clarinet, the manufacture of the Swell 11⁄3′ Nineteenth, Great 4′ Principal, 2′ Fifteenth, and the façade pipes were by Organ Supply Industries, Inc.
The organ was designed by Nicholas Wallace. Gwen Rowland and Nick Wallace built all of the components of the organ. The key action, tonal design, voicing and finishing were done by
David Wallace.
GREAT (56 notes)
8′ Chimney Flute
4′ Principal
2′ Fifteenth
SWELL (56 notes)
8′ Stopped Diapason
4′ Night Horn
11⁄3′ Nineteenth
8′ Clarinet (TC)
PEDAL (27 notes)
16′ Sub Bass (ext Swell St Diapason)
Swell to Great
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal