Dobson Pipe Organ Builders, Lake City, Iowa St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Park Ridge, Illinois
Dobson Pipe Organ Builders,
Lake City, Iowa
St. Andrews Lutheran Church, Park Ridge, Illinois
Dobson Pipe Organ Builders of Lake City, Iowa, has completed its Op. 88 for St. Andrews Lutheran Church in Park Ridge, Illinois. St. Andrews’ church building was designed by Park Ridge architect Charles E. Stade, who would gain fame for his design of the Chapel of the Resurrection at Valparaiso University a few years later. Originally designed for a location on the main floor at the rear of St. Andrews’ sanctuary, the organ, together with the choir and other musicians, moved to the front when costs to remove the existing cramped balcony proved prohibitive. In addition to the organ, Dobson designed and constructed complementary chancel furniture as part of the reconfiguration of the church.
The new organ is housed in a freestanding case of American white oak that is enriched by painted color accents. Employing mechanical key action for the manuals and electric key action for the Pedal, the organ has a low-profile detached console to permit a variety of arrangements for a choir and other musicians. The Great is located on the left side of the case and the Swell on the right, with the Pedal behind. The tin façade pipes are drawn from the Great Prestant 8′ and the Pedal Principal 8′. The organ is voiced on a wind pressure of 80 millimeters, and is tuned in equal temperament.
Stephen Tharp, a native of Park Ridge, whose first public appearance as a church organist was at St. Andrews at age nine, presented the dedication recital on May 22, 2011.
—John Panning
16′ Bourdon (prepared)
8′ Prestant
8′ Chimney Flute
4′ Octave
4′ Spire Flute
22⁄3′ Twelfth
2′ Fifteenth
13⁄5′ Seventeenth
11⁄3′ Mixture IV
8′ Trumpet
Swell to Great
8′ Bourdon
8′ Viole de Gambe
8′ Viole Celeste (FF)
4′ Principal
4′ Harmonic Flute
2′ Gemshorn
11⁄3′ Larigot (prepared)
16′ Dulzian (prepared)
8′ Oboe
16′ Subbass
16′ Bourdon (Great)
8′ Principal
8′ Gedackt (ext. Subbass)
4′ Super Octave (ext. Principal)
16′ Trombone
8′ Trumpet (ext. Trombone)
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
19 registers, 22 ranks, three preparations
Photo credit: John Panning