Hochhalter, Inc., Salem, Oregon: First United Methodist Church, Eugene, Oregon
Hochhalter, Inc., Salem, Oregon
First United Methodist Church, Eugene, Oregon
Hochhalter, Inc. of Salem, Oregon has designed and built a low-profile console for First United Methodist Church, Eugene, Oregon. It is constructed of solid walnut, with walnut burl and wenge veneer accents. The keyboards are covered in bone and cocobolo. Drawknobs are constructed of maple, cocobolo, and ebony.
The organ is hardly all new, still containing numerous sets of pipes from the church’s original 1913 pipe organ, moved in the 1960s into a new, much larger sanctuary. Many unfortunate mechanical changes to the wind system and action were made, eventually rendering the instrument unreliable. In 1995 Hochhalter, Inc. was hired to rebuild, refurbish, replace mechanisms and pipes as necessary, and provide additions to create a tonally cohesive and mechanically reliable instrument. Finances dictated that work be done in phases over many years. Although the new console was the “final” phase, it has additional stop controls for future additions, including an Echo Organ on the west wall, additional foundational and color stops for the Swell and Choir, and two 32′ ranks of pipes, including a 32′ Contra Diapason in a new façade.
Other details regarding the organ and console, including additional photographs and audio files, are available at <A HREF="http://www.hochhalter.com">www.hochhalter.com</A>. Dr. Julia Brown is music director and organist; The Rev. Debbie Pitney is pastor.
GREAT (unenclosed)
16′ Double Diapason
8′ Open Diapason
8′ Geigen Diapason
8′ Harmonic Flute
8′ Hohl Flute
4′ Octave
4′ Flute
22⁄3′ Quint
2′ Fifteenth
IV Mixture
V Cornet (prepared)
16′ Contra Trumpet (prepared)
8′ Trumpet
SWELL (expressive)
16′ Bourdon
8′ Diapason (prepared)
8′ Chimney Flute
8′ Viola
8′ Voix Celeste (tc)
4′ Octave
4′ Harmonic Flute
22⁄3′ Nasard (harmonic)
2′ Flautino (harmonic)
13⁄5′ Tierce (tc) (harmonic)
IV Full Mixture
16′ Bassoon
8′ French Trumpet
8′ Oboe
8′ Vox Humana (prepared)
4′ Clarion
CHOIR (expressive)
8′ Small Diapason (prepared)
8′ Stopped Diapason
8′ Traverse Flute (harmonic)
8′ Gemshorn
8′ Unda Maris (tc)
4′ Tapered Principal (prepared)
4′ Pan Flute
2′ Principal
11⁄3′ Quint
II Sesquialter (tc)
8′ Clarinet
8′ English Horn (prepared)
8′ Gloria Trumpet (10″ pressure)
ECHO (prepared)
8′ Principal
4′ Octave
8′ Viole *
8′ Flute *
8′ Flute Celeste *
8′ Gloria Trumpet
(* expressive)
PEDAL (unenclosed)
32′ Contra Diapason (prepared)
16′ Open Diapason
16′ Geigen Diapason
16′ Bourdon
16′ Gedeckt
102⁄3′ Quint
8′ Octave
8′ Geigen Octave
8′ Flute
4′ Fifteenth
4′ Solo Flute
32′ Ophicleide (prepared)
16′ Trombone (83⁄4″ pressure)
16′ Contra Trumpet (prepared)
16′ Bassoon
8′ Trumpet
4′ Oboe