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July 2000

Cover Martin Ott Pipe Organ Company, Inc., St. Louis, Missouri, has completed two new organs for Mount Angel Abbey, St. Benedict, Oregon. The firm's Opus 79 and Opus 80 replace the abbey's 1930s Kilgen organ which had pipes of various…
Carillon Repertory: Early carillon music Little is known about the music that was manually performed on the carillon prior to the 18th century.  We know that it was normally the job of the carillonneur to insert the pins into the large…
A letter from Johann Sebastian Bach   TO: Professor Larry Palmer        Harpsichord  Editor, The Diapason FROM: Johann Sebastian Bach              Kk. Kapellmeister Emeritus VIA: SDG Millennial Communications                          …
William Ferris, composer, conductor, and organist, died on May 16 in Chicago, Illinois, from a massive heart attack. He was 63 years old.   Founder and director of the William Ferris Chorale, he died during a rehearsal with the chorale of…
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Evanston, Illinois, has recently completed a year-long celebration of the restoration of its E.M. Skinner organ, Opus 327. The series of events began with a re-dedication recital by Marilyn Keiser on September…
"English concert organist John Scott is recognized not only as one of his country's finest organists and musical leaders, but also as one of the most gifted of his generation of concert organists in the performance world today." So begins…