Zion Moselem Lutheran Church in Moselem Springs, Pennsylvania has signed a contract with R. J. Brunner Organ Builders for the complete restoration of their 1770 Tannenberg organ. The work is scheduled to begin sometime this summer with a completion date of early spring of 2011.
This organ is not only the oldest remaining organ by the Lititz organ builder, David Tannenberg, it is also the oldest surviving organ made in one of the 13 colonies.
The church welcomes contributions towards the restoration. To contribute, make checks out to “Zion Moselem Tannenberg Organ Fund” and send them to Zion Moselem Lutheran Church, 340 Moselem Church Rd., Kutztown, PA 19530-8847.
For additional information, call Nancy Keller, minister of music, at 610/683-3757.