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1770 Tannenberg at Zion Lutheran Church, Moselem Springs, PA to be restored

Friends of the Tannenber

Friends of the Tannenberg are enlisting support for the restoration of the 1770 Tannenberg organ at Zion Lutheran Church in Moselem Springs, Pennsylvania.

Originally installed in the church’s stone sanctuary of 1761, it was moved to the second church building in 1894. At that time, the organ was rebuilt by Samuel Bohler; three of the Tannenberg ranks were removed, the key and stop action was extensively reworked, the wind system with its two wedge bellows was removed, and the case of solid black walnut was painted a dark brown.

The restoration will be done by
R. J. Brunner and will include a complete dismantling of the organ, cleaning and repairing all original pipes, and replication of missing pipes with new ones made in the Tannenberg style. Key and stop actions will be restored to correspond to their 1770 condition, and the black walnut case will be restored to original condition.

The stoplist:

Manual C-3

8′ Principal

8′ Flaut Major

4′ Principal Octav

4′ Flaut minor

3′ Quinte

2′ Sub Octav

13⁄5′ Terz

Mixture II

For information: Nancy Keller, minister of music, 610/683-3757.

1770 Tannenberg organ, Zion Lutheran Church, Moselem Springs, Pennsylvania (photo credit: Philip T. D. Cooper)

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