Six students at this year’s Philadelphia Summer Organ Camps at Macy’s and the Kimmel Center participated in two weeks of lessons with Alan Morrison at the Fred J. Cooper Memorial Organ in Verizon Hall and Peter Richard Conte at the Wanamaker Organ at Macy’s.
Pictured at the Wanamaker Organ with Conte (l to r) are Deniz Uz, Bryan Anderson, Michael Hey, Griffin McMahon, Caroline Robinson and Karen Christianson. The Macy’s portion culminated in a concert in the Grand Court on July 24 and was funded by a generous grant from the Sansom Foundation. That grant was administered by Rudy Lucente and supported by Macy’s and the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ.
Curtis Institute professor Alan Morrison is the instructor at the Kimmel Center Teen Summer Arts portion of the program. Participants are chosen from recommendations made by music teachers nationally. Portions of their recitals aired on the Friends of the Wanamaker Organ Hour on Philadelphia’s WRTI-FM.
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