G. Russell Wing died on January 23 at the age of 91 in
Hermosa Beach, California. Born on August 19, 1911, in Columbus, Ohio, he was a
resident of Hermosa Beach for 46 years. He served as organist-choirmaster at
St. Cross Episcopal Church for 30 years, as well as choral director and teacher
of piano and English at Hawthorne High School for 20 years. Mr. Wing's
career in music began during the last years of silent movies when, as a youth
of 15, he played theatre organ for the silent movie theatres in Columbus, Ohio.
He attended Union Theological Seminary in New York City and graduated in 1939
with a Master of Sacred Music degree. In 1942 he was elected third president of
Southern California's Choral Conductors Guild. He served churches in Long
Beach, California, and La Grange, Illinois, before moving to Hermosa Beach. His
interest in music history and sacred art led him and his wife Audrie to travel
to Europe many times exploring music, art and architecture. With the resulting
photographs and music, he produced nine multi-media presentations, which he
shared with audiences throughout Southern California. After retirement, Mr.
Wing played as a substitute organist in 109 different churches throughout the
greater Los Angeles area. He was a church organist for 76 years, and a member
of the American Guild of Organists, the Choral Conductors Guild, and the
California Retired Teachers Association. Mr. Wing is survived by Audrie, his
wife of 56 years, their three children, and three grandchildren. A memorial
service was held on February 1 at St. Cross Episcopal Church, Hermosa Beach.