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St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, Sunday Afternoon Musical Meditations

Ruffatti organ, St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco
Ruffatti organ, St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco

St. Mary's Cathedral, San Francisco, presents Sunday Afternoon Musical Meditations:

Sunday, December 8, 4:00 pm: Advent Lessons and Carols, sung by St. Mary’s Cathedral Choir and St. Mark’s Lutheran Church Choir. Bach Magnificat with orchestra.

Sunday, December 15, 7:00 pm (NOTE TIME CHANGE): “Cookies and Carols”, a festive seasonal concert by the Cathedral Choirs, followed by culinary delights on the lower level. $25/$15

Sunday, December 22, 4:00 pm: Three Organists: Jin Kyung Lim, Hanna Choi, and Isaac.

Sunday, December 29, 4:00 pm: Jeanette Wilkin Tietze, Piano.

Sunday, January 5, 4:00 pm: Epiphany Lessons and Carols, sung by the Cathedral Choir School and the Golden Gate Boyschoir and Bellringers.

Sunday, January 12, 4:00 pm: Avalos Solera Duo: Rodrigo Avalosand Heyni Solera, Bandoneon. Works by Bach.

Sunday, January 19, 4:00 pm: Gail Archer (New York), Organ.

Sunday, January 26: NO CONCERT

Sunday, February 2, 4:00 pm: Amelia Romano, Harp.

Sunday, February 9, 4:00 pm: Thomas Yee, Violin, with Jieun Clare Yee, Piano.

Sunday, February 16, 4:00 pm: Octavio Mujica, Cello, with Jin Kyung Lim, Piano.

Sunday, February 23, 4:00 pm: Quantum Trio: Jeanette Wilkin Tietze, Piano; Wendy Loder, Violin; Joel Cohen, Cello.

Sunday, March 2, 4:00 pm: Loreto Aramendi, Organ.

Sunday, March 9: NO CONCERT

Sunday, March 16, 4:00 pm: August Lee, Cello.

Sunday, March 23, 4:00 pm: Friedrich Edelmann, Basson, and Rebecca Rust, Cello

Sunday, March 30, 4:00 pm: Leo Abbott, Organ. World premiere of Laetare, Jerusalem by Naji Hakim.

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