Gail Archer performs "A Slavic Celebration: A Trio of New York City Concerts of Contemporary Organ Music by Polish, Ukrainian, and Russian Composers," co-sponsored by The Harriman Institute, Columbia University. The program showcases the little-known organ literature of Eastern Europe.
All concerts are first come, first served with limited capacity due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Polish program, Sunday, February 7, 2021, at 2:30 p.m.
Church of St. Francis Xavier, 55 West 15th Street, New York City
Tickets: Free, donations accepted.
For information: Contact the church at 212/627-2100 or visit sfxavier.org.
Improvisation on a Polish Hymn (Mieczyslaw Surzynski), Pastorale in F# Minor (Wincenty Rychling), Meditation-Elegy (Felix Borowski), Triptych for Organ (Pawel Lukaszewski), Kantata for Organ (Henryk Mikolaj Gorecki), Symphony No. 8 for Organ (Feliks Nowowieski), Esquisse for Organ (Grazyna Bacewicz), Triptychon for Organ (Tadeusz Paciorkiewicz)
Ukrainian program, Tuesday, March 16, 2021, at 7:00 p.m.
St. Jean Baptiste Church, 184 East 76th Street, New York City
Tickets: Free, donations accepted.
For information: Contact the church at 212/288-5082 or visit sjbny.org.
Fanfare (Bohdan Kotyuk), Benedictus: Song of Zachariah (Bohdan Kotyuk), Piece in Five Movements (Tadeusz Machl), Fantasia (Victor Goncharenko), Passacaglia (Mykola Kolessa), Chacona (Svitlana Ostrova), Fantasie (Iwan Kryschanowskij)
Russian program, Saturday, April 10, 2021, at 3:00 p.m.
St. John Nepomucene, 411 East 66th Street, New York City
Tickets: Free, donations accepted.
For information: Contact the church at 212/734-4613 or visit eastrivercatholics.org.
Prelude and Fugue in D Minor, op. 98 (Alexander Glasunow), Prelude in G Minor (Cesar Cui), Prelude in Ab Minor (Cesar Cui), Prelude Pastorale, op. 54 (Sergei Ljapunow), Toccata (Sergei Slonimsky), Prelude and Fugue (Alexander Shaversaschvili), Night on Bald Mountain (Modest Mussorgsky, transcr. for organ by Zsigmond Szathmary)
Gail Archer is the founder of Musforum, www.musforum.org, an international network for women organists to promote and affirm their work. She is college organist at Vassar College, a faculty member of Harriman Institute of Columbia University, and director of the music program at Barnard College, Columbia University, where she conducts the Barnard-Columbia Chorus and Chamber Singers. www.gailarcher.com
View Gail Archer's artist spotlight at https://www.thediapason.com/content/gail-archer
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