Dr. J. Butz Musikverlag announces the distribution of a new Solstice collection of 19 CDs and 1 DVD: Cochereau: Raretés et inédits (rarities and unpublished items) (CD634, €75).
The 19 CDs run a total of 22 hours, the 1 DVD for two hours. This CD/DVD box contains 29 largely previously unpublished improvisations (including seven four-movement symphonies) by Pierre Cochereau, as well as recordings from the works of 30 organ composers from four centuries on over 20 organs in Europe and overseas.
Organs featured include: Notre Dame Cathedral and Église Saint-Roch, Paris; St. Thomas Church, New York City; Symphony Hall, Boston; Sydney, Australia, Town Hall; and Southern Methodist University, Dallas. Composers represented include Bach, Handel, Vierne, Tournemire, Franck, Dupré, as well as the performer’s own compositions.
For information: butz-verlag.de.
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