L’Organo 2023, an organ recital series serving as an integral part of the two-week-long Piccolo Spoleto festival, Charleston, South Carolina, resumed fully in 2023 beginning on Memorial Day weekend. Under the leadership of Murray Forbes Somerville, diversity was the characteristic feature, in repertoire, artists, and locations.
Among the highlights was the recital presented by Jared Lamenzo at the French Huguenot Church on the 1845 Henry Erben organ with organ literature of the period. Lamenzo presides over the larger 1858 Erben organ at Old St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York City. Another event was the joint concert by Charleston Mayor John Tecklenburg, jazz pianist, joined by Massachusetts organist Wesley Hall; the program included a celebration of the centenary of the dance known as the “Charleston” and concluded with the Joan Baez song “When the President sang Amazing Grace.” With the concert presented in historic Mother Emanuel AME Church, the massed singing of that hymn was a powerful conclusion. Recitalists came from Europe, Asia, and the United States. Repertoire included African American works, as well as music based on Navajo traditions in addition to Bach, Mendelssohn, Elgar, Lemare, and much French literature.
Those wishing to apply to perform on the L’Organo 2024 series can find details in the ad on page 17; the deadline for application is November 1.
For information: piccolospoleto.com/lorgano.
Upcoming events:
Wichita State University organ recitals