Karen Schneider Kirner is appointed assistant choir director and organist at the Church of Our Lady of Loretto, Notre Dame, Indiana, working for the Sisters of the Holy Cross and serving the worshiping community that attends there, located adjacent to the campus of St. Mary’s College. The Church of Our Lady of Loretto serves as the motherhouse for approximately 400 sisters worldwide. The resident choir of over 50 members comprises novices from eight countries outside the United States, Sisters of the Holy Cross, and area singers and instrumentalists from high school through retirement age that sing year round.
Kirner most recently served for two years as organist for Grace United Methodist Church, South Bend, Indiana, and prior to that for 23 years as choral program director and organist for Campus Ministry at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, University of Notre Dame. She has numerous choral and handbell works published through GIA Publications and Liturgical Press. She was recently nominated as a finalist for the Association of Catholic Publishers Distinguished Composer of the Year. Her latest choral publication, “O Love, O Light, O Joy, O Cross,” was released in May by GIA. Kirner will be a featured speaker at the National Association of Pastoral Musicians convention in June in Louisville, Kentucky. She also reviews choral and handbell music for The Diapason.
For information: cscsisters.org.
Other recent appointments:
James O'Donnell at Yale University