Scott Elsholz is appointed director of music and organist at St. Louis Catholic Church, Memphis, Tennessee, where he oversees a comprehensive program of five choirs. Under his guidance, the parish is expanding its gallery choir loft, purchasing a Shigeru Kawai grand piano, and has contracted with Casavant Frères, Limitée, to renovate and enlarge its Opus 3785.
Originally from Michigan, Elsholz earned his Bachelor of Music and Master of Arts degrees in organ performance from Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, where he studied with Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra, and where he later served as adjunct faculty. He went on to earn his Doctor of Music degree in organ performance and literature from Indiana University, Bloomington, where he studied with Marilyn Keiser and Larry Smith. His doctoral dissertation at Indiana focused on the Musicalishe Clavierkunst und Vorrathskammer (1713) of Johann Heinrich Buttstett, a pupil of Johann Pachelbel.
For information: stlouischurchmphs.org.
Other recent appointments:
James O'Donnell to Yale University