Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut, has established the John Rose College Organist and Directorship Distinguished Chair of Chapel Music in honor of John Rose, college organist and director of chapel music since 1977.
The endowment for the chair comes from a bequest from the estate of Marjorie Van Eenam Butcher, professor of mathematics emerita and the first female faculty member of the college. An endowment from the estate also provides for occasional major work to maintain the college’s chapel organs.
Butcher, who passed away in April, and her husband, Robert W. Butcher, who died in 1993, shared passions for applied mathematics and church music. The endowment further provides a professorship in applied mathematics.
Shown in the photo: Marjorie Butcher, John Rose, Christopher Houlihan, and Trinity College President Emeritus James F. Jones, Jr.