The American Guild of Organists (AGO) has selected Joan Lippincott as the honoree for the 2017 AGO Endowment Fund Distinguished Artist Award Recital and Gala Benefit Reception on Friday, April 21, 2017, in Princeton, N.J. Complete information can be found online at Agohq.org/2017-gala. The celebration will begin at 7:00 p.m. at Princeton University Chapel, where the honoree, joined by organists Scott Dettra and Eric Plutz, will play a recital that is free and open to the public. A gala benefit reception (advance tickets required) will follow.
Joan Lippincott is professor emerita of organ at Westminster Choir College of Rider University and was principal university organist at Princeton University from 1993 to 2000. Her many recordings on the Gothic label include music of Bach, Duruflé, Mozart, Mendelssohn, Widor, Alain, and Pinkham. Lippincott’s most recent CD is J.S. Bach: Orgelbüchlein, recorded on the Fritts organ at Princeton Theological Seminary.
Gala sponsorship opportunities are available. Gala Benefit Reception tickets are $150 (75% tax deductible, includes preferred seating at the recital) and can be purchased online at Agohq.org/2017-gala or by calling 212/870-2311, ext. 4308. Gala Benefit Reception ticket sponsors will have their names printed in the commemorative program book. The deadline to be included is March 31.
Display Advertising opportunities are offered in the full-color commemorative program book; for information: Agohq.org/2017-gala or call 212-870-2311, ext. 4308. The advertising deadline is March 31. E-mail [email protected] for further information. All proceeds from the Gala will honor Joan Lippincott in perpetuity through the AGO Endowment Fund. For further information, call 212/870-2311, ext. 4308, or email [email protected].
Photo by Christian Steiner