The American Guild of Organists will sponsor a recital and gala benefit reception honoring Marilyn Mason on Sunday, April 19, at 3 pm, at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. The recital will feature Dr. Mason and students Deborah Friauff, Joseph Galema, Paul Haebig, and Aaron Tan performing at Hill Auditorium. The recital is free and open to the public.
The gala benefit reception will follow at the Michigan League. Tickets for the reception are $100 ($75 tax deductible) and may be purchased online at www.agohq.org or by calling 212/870-2311, ext. 4308. All proceeds will go to the AGO Endowment Fund in Marilyn Mason’s honor. The gala is sponsored by the AGO national council, Eileen Guenther, president, and the AGO development committee, Barbara Adler, director.