Gail Archer announces a new CD: Chernivtsi: Contemporary Ukrainian Organ Music (TBR 08.07.20), released by Meyer Media.
The disc features organ literature from the 19th to 21st centuries by Ukrainian composers, performed on a Rieger-Kloss organ in the Armenian Catholic Church, Chernivtsi. Works included: Fanfare (Bohdan Kotyuk), Benedictus: Song of Zachariah (Kotyuk), Piece in Five Movements (Tadeusz Machl), Fantasia (Viktor Goncharenko), Passacaglia (Mykola Kolessa), Chacona (Svitlana Ostrova), and Fantasie (Iwan Kryschanowskij).
This is the second in a series of three CDs spotlighting organ literature from Eastern Europe, the first release entitled A Russian Journey (2017).
For information: meyer-media.com or gailarcher.com.
Other recent CD releases:
Jonathan Moyer at Lübeck, Germany
Jeremy Thompson plays Karl Höller