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Damin Spritzer CD

October 17, 2017
Organ Music of René Louis Becker, Volume 3 (OAR-999)

Raven announces a new CD, Organ Music of René Louis Becker, Volume 3 (OAR-999), featuring Damin Spritzer at the 1938 W. W. Kimball organ at the Cathedral of St. John in the Wilderness, Denver, Colorado.

This is the first recording to feature the restored organ along with its recently completed Antiphonal division, which was built using mostly vintage Kimball pipework. The Antiphonal division was originally planned by Kimball, but not realized until 2016. The organ now comprises 113 ranks.

Becker (1882–1956) was a prolific Alsatian-American composer, teacher, and organist who worked more than half a century in Missouri, Illinois, and Michigan. The ten works included on the disc are first recordings. They include lyrical and colorful works as well as three processional marches, a toccata, and a hymn-based work.

For further information: 804/355-6386, www.ravencd.com.