Colin Lynch is featured on a new recording, The Organ of Stambaugh Auditorium, on the Raven label (Raven OAR-939). Winner of the Fort Wayne National Organ Playing Competition (2010), and associate director of music and organist of Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston, Lynch plays the four-manual, 67-stop 1926 E. M. Skinner organ in Stambaugh Auditorium, in Youngstown, Ohio, restored in 2010 by the A. Thompson-Allen Co. of New Haven, Connecticut.
The program includes the C. H. H. Parry Toccata and Fugue “The Wanderer,” the entire Vierne Symphony No. 6, Pastorale by Jean Jules Roger-Ducasse, and three of the Five Short Pieces by Percy Whitlock.
For information: www.ravencd.com.