Andrew Unsworth is featured on a new recording, French & German Masterworks on the Raven label (OAR-967). Recorded on the organ of the Cathedral of the Madeleine, Salt Lake City, Utah, the program includes works by Dupré, Alain, Franck, Bach, Böhm, Duruflé, Vierne, and Mendelssohn. The organ was built in 1992 by Kenneth Jones & Associates of Bray, Ireland, with four manuals and pedal, 79 ranks and 4,066 pipes and mechanical key action. Since 1994, the cathedral’s Eccles Organ Festival presents five organ concerts annually.
Prior to his 2007 appointment to the Mormon Tabernacle, where he is one of three full-time organists, Andrew Unsworth was assistant professor of music at Stephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, Texas, and organist and assistant director of music at the Cathedral of the Madeleine (2001–06). He received his undergraduate degree in organ performance and pedagogy from Brigham Young University and master’s and Ph.D. degrees in historical performance practice from Duke University.
For information: 804/355-6386; www.ravencd.com.