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Christopher John Pharo receives AAM Gerre Hancock Internship

Christopher John Pharo
Christopher John Pharo

Grace Cathedral, San Francisco, California, and the Association of Anglican Musicians (AAM) announce the recipient of the 2022–2023 AAM Gerre Hancock Internship, Christopher John Pharo.

The internship program was established to create full-time mentoring opportunities for young church musicians who demonstrate a strong interest in the music and worship of the Episcopal Church. This annual internship is jointly funded by AAM and the host institution and offers the intern ten months of practical experience through intense and formative work as part of an outstanding music program. The program was postponed twice due to the pandemic.

Pharo began organ study with Carolyn Crossland in his hometown of Kinston, North Carolina, and continued under Andrew Scanlon and David Arcus at East Carolina University, Greenville, North Carolina, where he is pursuing his undergraduate degree in sacred music. Pharo has served as organ scholar for the Royal School of Church Music (RSCM) Carolina Course (2011) based in Raleigh, North Carolina, and continues to work as a proctor (2012–present) for the RSCM Charlotte Course. He has been featured in recital in North Carolina and in 2021 was invited to be the inaugural organ scholar for the Nantucket Community Music Center’s annual organ crawl in Nantucket, Massachusetts. Pharo is currently the organist and choirmaster for St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Goldsboro, North Carolina. Upcoming performances include appearances at First Presbyterian Church, Oxford, Mississippi, and St. Mary’s of the Hills Episcopal Church, Blowing Rock, North Carolina.

For information: and


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