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Association of Anglican Musicians 2023–2024 Gerre Hancock Intern applications

The Association of Anglican Musicians
The Association of Anglican Musicians

The Association of Anglican Musicians (AAM) announces that St. George’s Episcopal Church, Nashville, Tennessee, will be the host of its 2023–2024 Gerre Hancock Internship.

The Gerre Hancock Internship program was established to create full-time mentoring opportunities for extraordinary young church musicians who demonstrate a strong interest in the music and worship of the Episcopal Church. This  annual internship is jointly funded by AAM and the host institution and offers the intern ten months of practical experience through intense and intentionally formative work as part of an outstanding music program.

The 2023–2024 intern will be mentored by Woosug Kang, director of music ministries at St. George’s, Nashville. The internship is paid with full benefits and housing. Applicants must be within three years of a completed church-music-relevant college degree program. Application deadline is February 1, 2023.

The Association of Anglican Musicians expects any host institution to consider  applications for employment without reference to race, ethnicity, national origin, gender, sexuality, disability, or age, except insofar as personal characteristics directly affect individuals’ capacity to exercise their vocation. 

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