The Muller Pipe Organ Company, Toledo, Ohio, has completed
the installation of a new organ for Trinity Episcopal Cathedral in Little Rock,
Arkansas. The 4-manual, 82-rank organ is designed in the American Classic
tradition as developed by the Aeolian-Skinner Company. In great measure, it is
modeled after the G. Donald Harrison instrument at All Saints Episcopal Church,
Worcester, Massachusetts. James R. Metzler, Organist and Choirmaster at the
Cathedral, sang treble as a boy in the Choir of Men and Boys at All Saints and
studied with Henry Hokans on that organ.
The new organ has complete choruses in each division, and is
notable for the warmth of its strings and foundations as well as the brilliance
of the ensemble and fiery French-style reeds. The movable console is a measured
reproduction Aeolian-Skinner, and is of quarter sawn and rift sawn oak. The
tracker touch keyboards have bone naturals and ebony sharps, and the console
features reproduction Aeolian-Skinner components throughout. It is fully
equipped with multiple memory level combination action, general sequencer,
MIDI, transposer, and record/playback sequencer. The specification (designed by
James Metzler) and console are designed to make the organ as flexible as
possible for visiting recitalists. The full array of couplers includes Great to
Choir as well as Great/Choir transfer.
Certain playability options made possible with electro-pneumatic
action are exploited to the fullest. The Great Montre, primarily intended as a
16' manual stop for the Great, is also playable at 8' as an additional
foundation stop. The Choir organ features a French Cromorne as well as an
English Clarinet, and both of these stops are playable from the Solo. The Great
Principals are also available as a Grand Cornet on the Solo manual (a petite
cornet of flutes is on the Choir). The 8' Cor Anglais, a solo reed in the
Choir, is extended downward as the 16' Choir chorus reed, functioning with the
Cromorne and Rohr Schalmei.
The exposed Antiphonal has a complete principal chorus and
flutes at 8' and 4', plus an 8' chorus reed (the one stop retained from the old
organ, the venerable "Dean Higgins' Trumpet"). The Antiphonal also
boasts a Trompette en Chamade with lacquered brass bells. The Pedal is complete
and quite independent. Because of space considerations, three of the four 32'
stops are digital. However, the 32' Contre Bombarde is full length. The
expression boxes make use of tight fitting horizontal shutters and 16-stage
motors for an unusually successful crescendo with the full Swell.
The installation of the new organ was made possible through
funds for a multi-million dollar restoration program at the Cathedral, which
dates from the 1800s. Martin Neary, former Organist and Master of the
Choristers at Westminster Abbey, London, England, played the dedication
recitals in late October. This is Muller's 80th anniversary year.
--Mark Muller
16' Montre
8' Principal
8' Montre
8' Flute Harmonique
8' Bourdon
4' Octave
4' Rohrflute
2 2/3' Quinte
2' Doublette
1 3/5' Tierce
IV Fourniture
III Cymbale
8' Trompette
8' Trompette en Chamade (Antiphonal)
Unison Off
16' Bourdon
8' Geigen
8' Rohrfl??te
8' Viole de Gambe
8' Voix Celeste
8' Flauto Dolce
8' Flute Celeste
4' Octave Geigen
4' Spillflute
2' Octavin
III Plein Jeu
III Cymbale
16' Basson
8' Trompette
8' Hautbois
8' Vox Humana
4' Clairon
Sw 16-UO-4
16' Gedeckt
8' Montre
8' Gedeckt
8' Dulciana
8' Unda Maris
4' Prestant
4' Koppelflute
2 2/3' Nazard
2' Principal
2' Blockfl??te
1 3/5' Tierce
11/3' Larigot
1' Sifflote
III Zimbel
16' English Horn
8' Cromorne
8' Cor Anglais (ext)
8' Clarinet
4' Rohr Schalmei
8' Trompette en Chamade (Antiphonal)
Ch 16-UO-4
V Grand Cornet (Gt)
16' Bombarde
8' Trompette Harmonique
4' Clairon Harmonique (Bombarde)
8' Cromorne (Ch)
8' Clarinet (Ch)
8' Trompette en Chamade (Antiphonal)
Chimes (Gt)
Solo 16-UO-4
8' Montre
8' Bourdon
4' Prestant
4' Flute a Cheminee
2' Doublette
IV Fourniture
16' Bombarde en Chamade
8' Trompette en Chamade
4' Clairon en Chamade
8' Dean Higgins' Trumpet
Ant 16-UO-4
16' Soubasse
32' Contre Basse (digital)
32' Soubasse (digital)
16' Contre Basse
16' Soubasse
16' Montre (Gt)
16' Bourdon (Sw)
16' Gedeckt (Ch)
8' Principal
8' Gedeckt Pommer
8' Bourdon (Sw)
4' Octave
4' Flute Harmonique
IV Fourniture
32' Contre Bombarde
32' Contre Basson (digital)
16' Bombarde (ext)
16' Basson (Sw)
8' Trompette (ext)
8' Basson (Sw)
4' Clairon (ext)
4' Cromorne (Ch)