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New Organs

April 9, 2003

Bedient Organ Company, Lincoln, NE, has built a new organ for the Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Atlanta, GA. The firm's opus 54 comprises 14 stops, 16 ranks, and 849 pipes on two manuals and pedal. Key action is mechanical, stop action is electric. Manual/pedal compass is 58/30. The case is made of oak, and the pipe shades are of red gum. The organ was installed in April 1997 and the dedication took place in October. Organist of the church is Patrick Hagen; the pastor is The Rev. Clayborne Jones. This instrument replaces Bedient opus 39, which was placed temporarily at Epiphany Church in 1994. Opus 39 has been installed at St. Anne's Episcopal Church, Winston-Salem, NC.


                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Principal

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Rohrflute

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Octave

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Octave



de Gambe

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gedackt

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Voix

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Spitzflute

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Flute


                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Trumpet


                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Subbass

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Flute



Berghaus Organ Company, Bellwood, IL, has built a new organ for Ascension of Our Lord Parish, Oakbrook Terrace, IL. The instrument is a hybrid slider windchest and unit organ. The Great Principal chorus, Sesquialtera, and 8' Gedackt (from tenor G#) are on a slider winchest, while the Swell and Pedal registers are on all-electric windchests for conservative unification and borrowing. The exposed pipework of the Great is above the Swell; in front of these divisions are the 44 pipes of the 8'-4' Principal of the Pedal; the low 12 pipes of the 16' Subbass are on the sides. The organ is completely self-contained, with the blower located inside the case, and was kept as compact as possible: 11'6" wide, 4'4" deep (plus 18" passageway for tuning access), 14'10" high. In all
there are 11 registers, 14 ranks, and 825 pipes. Director of music is Galen


                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Principal

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gedackt

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Octave

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gemshorn

II (c)

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Super

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Faggott



                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Rohrflöfte

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gemshorn

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Celeste

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Principal

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Rohrflöte

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gemshorn

                  1' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Rohrflöte

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Faggott



                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Subbass

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Principal

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Rohrflöte

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Octave

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Faggott

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Faggott

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Faggott

Marceau & Associates, Portland, OR, has built a new organ for Trinity Parish Church,
Seattle, WA. The organ utilizes elements from the church's 1903 Kimball organ.
A new three-manual tiered drawknob console was built in 1989, and new electro-pneumatic slider windchests and a new winding system were installed in 1991. The new organ's facade includes polished pipes with varying foot lengths and columns with appropriate finials to match existing woodwork. The organ now totals 56 ranks and 3,104 pipes. Each division contains complete Principal choruses, including Mixtures. Both the Great and Positiv feature an 8' Principal. All manual divisions have mutations. Independent reeds are found in every division, including a 32' Posaune in the Pedal. There are four ranks of strings, a unison and separate celeste rank on both Swell and Positiv. Members of the Marceau staff included René Marceau, Mary Marceau, Mark Dahlberg, Joe O'Donnell, Tom Krisinski, Dan Wolken, David Hall, Ted Roggenbock, Todd Margolis, Rand Benfiet, and Mark Jones. Mark Olson is organist and choirmaster of the parish; Joseph Adam played the dedication recital.


                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Pommer

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Prinzipal

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Rohrflöte

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Flute
Harmonique (prep)

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Oktave

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Koppelflöte

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Oktave

                  22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Cornet III, TC

                  11/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Mixture III-V

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Trompete




                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Lieblich
Gedackt (ext)

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Holzgedackt

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Salizional

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Voix
Celeste, TC (prep)

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Prinzipal

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Nachthorn

                  22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Nasat

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Waldflöte

                  13/5' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Terz

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Fourniture
IV (prep)

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Fagott

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Trompette

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Cor

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Hautbois

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Hautbois

(to all manual divisions)


                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Prinzipal

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gedackt

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gemshorn

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gemshorn
Celeste, TC

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Spitzoktave

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Spillflöte

                  22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Sesquialtera II

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Oktave

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Lochgedeckt

                  11/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Larigot

                  1' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Cymbel
IV (prep)

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Krummhorn


                  32' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Resultant

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Prinzipalbass

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Subbass

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Lieblich
Gedackt (Sw)

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Oktavebass

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Openbass

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gedacktbass

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Holzgedackt

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Choralbass

                  22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Mixture III

                  32' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Posaune

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Bombarde

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Fagott

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Trompete

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Clairon

Faucher Organ Company, Biddeford, ME, has built a new organ for First Church Congregational, Rochester, NH. The 24-rank organ is the firm's opus 18, and their third pipe/digital project. The main principal and flute choruses come solely from pipework. Walker digital ranks make up the strings, reeds, and larger pedal stops. The organ is equipped with multi-level combination action, transposer, MIDI, solid-state switching, and electro-mechanical chests; the console is moveable. The facade was retained from the church's previous organ, and includes the basses of the 8' Principal. Directing the woodshop's operations was Lawrence Ouellette. Steve Leighton was in charge of the console building and general installation. Robert Faucher handled the design and tonal finishing. Other personnel included Andrew Cyr, Ryan Norfleet, and Ronald Goulet. Kevin Lindsay is the firm's northeast representative. David Wold is the church's director of music.


                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Violone

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Principal

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Bourdon

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Viol

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Viol

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Octave

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gedeckt

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Fifteenth

                  22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Sesquialtera II

                  11/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Mixture III

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Bassoon

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Trumpet

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Clarion





                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Violone

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Stopped

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Viol

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Viol

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Principal

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Gedeckt

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Violina

                  22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Nazard

                  2' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Octavin

                  13/5' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Tierce

                  11/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Quintflute

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Bassoon

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Trumpet

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Oboe

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Chalumeau




                  32' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Violone

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Subbass

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Diapason

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Bourdon

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Violoncello

                  51/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Quintbass

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Choralbass

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Flute

                  22/3' style='mso-tab-count:1'>      Mixture IV

                  16' style='mso-tab-count:1'>          Posaune

                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Bombarde

                  4' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Clarion




Dale T. Stanton, of
Lake City, MI, has built a one-manual, one-rank tafel organ. Organist Stanton,
a member of the Cherry Capitol AGO chapter, had never built an organ, but
dreamed of having a small organ that could be assembled from a kit. Not finding
such a kit on the market, he built his own instrument in his back yard tool

Encouraged by Archie White (White Blower Mfg. Co., Lansing,
MI), Stanton began building a tubular pneumatic windchest out of poplar and
pine, and utilizing 1/4" neoprene tubing in place of traditional lead
tubing. White donated a used keyboard which Stanton shortened to 48 notes (F to
e3). From White, Stanton purchased a 1/2 HP blower and an 80-year-old Estey
Melodia. A used reservoir was purchased from John Lyon of Eastpointe, MI.

Stanton and his wife Beth designed the toe board of the
windchest using simple shelf paper. Friends James and Ray VanWieren of McBain,
MI, provided tools, expertise and help in drilling the holes for the rack
board, toe board, and pouch boards, as well as building a wood enclosure for
the blower unit.

Stanton hand-made each of the pallets for the two 24-note
pouch boards, utilizing pneumatic leather for the pouches and felt and valve
leather for the pallets. These and other supplies such as springs, eye wire,
and fibre washers were purchased from Organ Supply Industries.

The windchest and keyboard are set on top of a wood
enclosure framed with simple furring strips and covered with 1/4" clear
varnished plywood, which also houses the blower and reservoir. The entire unit
measures 64" long, 30" deep, and 82" from the floor to the
tallest pipe.

Stanton holds the BMus in organ/church music from Wayne
State University, Detroit. He serves as Minister of Music at First
Congregational UCC, Cadillac, MI, and is the Michigan representative for the
Levsen Organ Company, Buffalo, IA.


                  8' style='mso-tab-count:1'>             Melodia

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