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New Organs

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Lauck Pipe Organ Company,
Otsego, Michigan
Opus 61, 2009
Karl Schrock Residence,
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Through the years, we have had the pleasure to build a substantial number of small residence organs for many college professors and church organists. There has always come a great sense of satisfaction in creating these smaller wonders because we know we are building these exclusively for one person. We also know that the money for these instruments is usually born from hard work and frugal saving. The joy is in giving the customer their long-anticipated dream and creating the most value for their money.
Our latest residence organ was for Dr. Karl Schrock, who is head of the organ program at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo. This five-rank mechanical action organ has white oak casework, ebony naturals with coco bolo sharps, and ebony drawknobs.
—James Lauck

8′ Rohrflute 61 pipes
4′ Principal (in façade) 61 pipes

8′ Gedeckt (oak) 49 pipes
common bass
2′ Blockflute 61 pipes

16′ Pommer 32 pipes

Man I–Man II
Man I–Ped
Man II–Ped

[email protected]

J. Zamberlan & Co.,
Wintersville, Ohio
Christ, Prince of Peace Parish, Ford City, Pennsylvania

Christ, Prince of Peace Parish was formed on July 23, 2002, from the merger of three parishes in Ford City; the building formerly known as St. Mary’s Church is now the sole worship site. A 1930s organ occupied split cases in the rear gallery; this instrument had been rebuilt in 1965, and by 2002 was experiencing severe mechanical problems, in addition to suffering from a lack of ensemble and variety of stops.
Initial design concepts retained the choir in the gallery, but in the end the parish decided a nave location was preferable for the singers. In addition to the console, a 3-rank unenclosed “choir” division, available independently on either manual, is located in the shallow right transept. Wind for this division comes from a small blower and reservoir located in the church basement but fed from an intake housed in the base of the choir casework, which also encloses the support steel for the chest as well as shelves for choir music.
Several ranks from the old organ were incorporated into the new stoplist, as well as two stops from a 1965 Möller at one of the closed churches. The existing quartersawn white oak gallery casework was retained, as were the façade pipes, which were refinished for the church by a local auto body shop. The new console, as well as the choir casework, is of red oak, finished to harmonize with the pews; this casework also incorporates panels from former modesty screens in the choir area. The console interior is of Honduras mahogany, oiled and waxed. Keyboards have bone naturals and ebony accidentals, with drawknobs, pistons, etc. of bocote; legal ivory is used for labels and stopknob faces.
The solid-state control system includes 128 levels of memory for 8 generals and 4 divisionals, as well as several reversibles. At the suggestion of a visiting recitalist, the parish agreed in 2008 to add Great and Swell Unison Off toestud reversibles to enhance the organ’s versatility; this permits drawing the normal stops plus Choir stops on either manual, then using the Unison Off and pedal coupler to achieve separate voices on that manual and the pedal.
The main chests of the organ are slider with electric pulldowns, with bass notes utilizing double pallets where necessary. All pallets were carefully sized, and pallet travel was kept at 4mm, in order to keep the action responsive. Several stops are either duplexed between divisions or unified; these sit on chests with individual note actions (electro-mechanical except for the largest bass pipes), which incorporate expansion chambers between the valve and toe to minimize undesirable speech characteristics sometimes found in this chest design. The organ comprises 37 stops, 27 registers, 36 ranks, and 1993 pipes, and is our largest instrument to date. Donald Fellows, director of music at St. Paul Cathedral in Pittsburgh, dedicated the organ on March 18, 2007. The parish director of music is Andrew Motyka.
—Joseph G. Zamberlan

GREAT (58 notes)
8′ Diapason
8′ Rohrflute (existing Tellers,
C1–b48 wood)
4′ Octave
4′ Open Flute (existing Tellers,
formerly in Swell, C1–c49 wood)
2′ Fifteenth
4′ Cornet IV (c13–c49)
11⁄3′ Mixture IV
8′ Trompette
8′ Cromorne
8′ Choir Gemshorn
8′ Choir Bourdon
4′ Choir Italian Principal
4′ Choir Bourdon (ext)
2′ Choir Bourdon (ext)
Swell to Great 16′
Swell to Great

SWELL (58 notes)
16′ Quintaten (C1–f18 wood)
8′ Violin Diapason (existing Tellers,
C1–B12 from Gedackt)
8′ Gedackt (existing Möller, wood)
8′ Viole de Gambe (existing Tellers,
formerly in Great)
8′ Voix Céleste (existing Möller,
from G8)
4′ Principal
4′ Flute (existing Tellers, formerly in Great, C1–a46 wood)
22⁄3′ Nazard
2′ Spitzflute
13⁄5′ Tierce
2′ Plein Jeu III
2⁄3′ Cymbale II
16′ Basson
8′ Hautbois (ext)
8′ Choir Gemshorn
8′ Choir Bourdon
4′ Choir Italian Principal
4′ Choir Bourdon (ext)
2′ Choir Bourdon (ext)

PEDAL (32 notes, AGO)
32′ Bourdon (C1–B12 independent 10 2⁄3′
wood with Subbass,
from c13 Subbass)
16′ Principal (prep)
16′ Subbass (wood)
16′ Quintaten (Swell)
8′ Octave (prep)
8′ Gedackt (ext)
4′ Choral Bass (prep)
16′ Trombone (wooden resonators)
16′ Basson (Swell)
8′ Trompette (Great)
8′ Cromorne (Great)
4′ Clairon (Great)
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal

[email protected]


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