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New Organs

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Wahl Organbuilders,
Appleton, Wisconsin
Private residence, New York City
This practice organ was built with two contrasting foundation stops for the practice of the majority of the organ literature. The lower manual has a tapered, open wood flute to balance the stopped hammered metal set on the upper manual. Both stops share a common bass octave of stopped wood. The wind is regulated by a large, double-rise wedge reservoir. The entire instrument is contained in a casework of quartersawn black ash hardwood. The piano-scale keyboards relate to each other and the pedalboard in a standard modern arrangement.
The instrument was built as the third in a series of four similar practice organs. Sister instruments are installed in residences in Neenah and Baileys Harbor, Wisconsin and Richardson, Texas.

8' Open (wood)

8' Gedact

Coupled from Manual I

Related Content

New Organs


Cover Feature

A. David Moore, North Pomfret, Vermont, Opus 27

The home of George Becker and Christo Bresnahan,

San Francisco, California

From the builder

Opus 27 is a compact two-manual organ designed to give the player the
greatest number of stop combinations and colors from a small stoplist. The
lower keyboard controls the Great, the upper the Positive. The manual compass
is 56 notes, and the straight pedalboard has 30 notes. Couplers include
Positive to Great, Positive to Pedal, Great to Pedal. The tremulant affects the
entire organ.

The Great has an 8' Clarabella, a 4' Principal in the display, Twelfth,
Fifteenth and Seventeenth. The Clarabella is scaled after examples found on
early Hook organs. The bass octave is stopped. Pipes from tenor C are of open
wood and of English style construction with the windway carved into the cap.
They are similar to early New England-style Stopped Diapason pipes without the
stopper. The blocks have a little step down after the front edge next to the
windway, which helps a great deal with the speech of the pipes. Provision of an
8' open stop on the Great allows for a rich plenum with a strong fundamental.
The Clarabella, drawn alone, serves as a distinctive foil to the 8' Stopped
Diapason. The Clarabella must not be confused with the Melodia, also an open 8'
stop. (The Melodia typically has an inverted mouth, a cap that protrudes over
the front of the pipe, more nicks, and a block, the top of which is curved
forward in various degrees depending on the builder.) Twenty-one Principal
pipes are in the display above the keyboards. The treble pipes are in the case,
followed, front to back, by Fifteenth, Twelfth and Seventeenth. Initially
conceived as a double draw Sesquialtera, it was thought better to separate the
two ranks to allow greater freedom of registration.

The Positive has an 8' Stopped Diapason of wood, a 4' Flute and an 8'
Trumpet. The Stopped Diapason is quite literally an open wood diapason which is
stopped, in the manner of early Hook and English examples. The speech has a
hint of quint and a subtle chiff. The Flute is of open wood pipes. The bass of
the Trumpet has wooden resonators, wooden blocks and shallots.
style="mso-spacerun: yes">
The blocks and shallots are turned (on
a South Bend lathe) from a single piece of wood. The inside bore of the shallot
is tapered. The tongue is held in place with a hardwood cleat and two small
wood screws. The opening in the shallot is tapered and milled into the wooden
face. The dimensions of shallot opening, bore, taper and resonator inside
diameters are close to eighteenth-century North European practice. The use of
wood for the shallot avoids the need for lead-faced shallots or leathered
shallot faces. The wood face, in terms of hardness, is somewhere between lead
or brass and a leathered surface. The brass tongues are fairly wide, thick, and
tapered. The lowest octave has wooden resonators which impart a strong
fundamental and circumvent concerns about collapse. Metal resonators are used
from 4' C with wood shallot-blocks; at middle C the resonators are metal, the
blocks lead and the shallots brass, much like an old North European Trumpet.
The Trumpet has a brightness of speech as well as a distinct and prominent
fundamental throughout. The Trumpet can be played either from the upper manual
or from the pedal, or on both manuals and pedal simultaneously. It is useful
for a cantus firmus, or for an independent pedal line when used with the 8' and
4' Positive stops against the lower manual plenum, and is satisfying as a solo

The Pedal contains the 16' Subbass of butternut wood; the lowest six pipes
flank the manuals. The butternut, like most of the wood in the organ, was
felled on the North Pomfret Moore property. The logs were sawed into boards of
various thicknesses on a WoodMizer thin-kerf band sawmill. Much of the wood is
quarter sawn.

Metal in the Principal is lead with 28% tin. Smaller amounts of antimony,
bismuth and copper are added to the metal alloy. The melting pot holds 700 lbs
of metal. To this is added 1.25 lbs of antimony, .25 lbs of bismuth and 2.5 lbs
of copper. Copper seems to give the alloy a nice ringing sound. Antimony is
added to prevent metal collapse. Pipe metal was poured, hammered and fashioned
into pipes all in the Moore workshop. (A Dom Bédos-type hammering
machine, made by Dave Moore, graces the workshop and is used "once in a
while.") A new hammering machine that can automatically hammer a full
sheet of metal as it is taken from the casting table is now used. This machine
has 17 metal hammers that are raised and dropped onto the metal all at once,
covering the whole width of the sheet. The sheet is then advanced a fraction of
an inch and the hammers move over slightly. Metal hammered with this machine
prevents the "bacon effect" (caused by sheets of metal being hammered
on the edges more than in the middle, thus the sheet starts to get wavy like a
piece of cooked bacon). Hammering pipe metal is an old practice that hardens
the metal, optimizes pipe resonance and imparts a richness of timbre not
otherwise obtainable.

The metal pipework is voiced with fairly wide windways and regulation at the
toe hole for most stops. The toe holes are closed down until the volume of the
pipe is just right. In essence, an Open Diapason register would have pretty
much open toes in the mid range and then the treble pipes would be regulated a
bit at the top register. Toe regulation is important in stops above 4' pitch.
Thus with a 2' stop the windways are kept just right in the top octaves and the
volume is controlled at the toe. This keeps the top ranges of the stop from
being too loud and overpowering. This style of voicing, with moderate nicking,
is just about what the early New England organ builders practiced. One can
often find this type of voicing in various European styles. The pipes are cone

The action is suspended, and is provided with easily accessible adjustment
nuts. Trackers are of wood with rolled threaded brass ends and wood or leather
nuts for adjustments. Some tracker ends have wires into the wooden trackers
that go through unbushed metal rollerboard arms. The pedal action has some felt
bushings and washers but the manual keyboards do not.

Winding for the organ is controlled by a small curtain valve. A small
single-fold reservoir is located at the bottom inside the case and feeds air to
three windchests through solid wood trunks in the manner of old instruments.
Pressure is 211/16 inches. Winding is flexible in that a sustained note in one
part of the keyboard is influenced by a moving passage in another part of the
register. The blower is a quiet operating Laukhuff. The tremulant is of the
tremblant doux type described by Dom Bédos and found on early French and
New England organs. A leather-covered door is poised at an angle in a horizontal
section of the main wind trunk. When the tremulant is engaged, the door
oscillates back and forth, creating fluctuation in the wind pressure and a
tremulant effect that varies depending on what is being played.

--A. David Moore

From the owner

I first met Dave Moore in 1970 when he was renting an apartment in the
Pigeon Cove house of Charlie and Ann Fisk. David apprenticed in the then small
Fisk shop before establishing his own workshop in North Pomfret, Vermont, where
he has been designing and building historically informed mechanical action
organs for over three decades. This unique builder has traveled extensively and
studied some of the finest old (and some new) organs of Germany, France, the
Netherlands, Denmark, Italy and England. He has a working knowledge of the
treatises of Clicquot and Dom Bédos. Living and working in New England,
he has acquired a knowledge, both intimate and scholarly, of the 18th- and
19th-century New England builders. His association with the likes of John Fesperman,
Barbara Owen, Fenner Douglass, Mark Brombaugh and Kevin Birch (to name but a
few) has contributed to his understanding of the organ and its music. (Indeed,
David himself is a quite respectable organist.)

Opus 27 was built almost entirely from trees harvested by David Moore on his
Vermont farm, from lead and tin melted, poured and hammered, and from cow
bones, fashioned into keys and stop labels, all in his workshop. When I visited
the shop in 2000 to see the progress of the instrument, boards for the Subbass
still had bark on them! Wood in the organ includes butternut, black cherry,
maple, ash, walnut, pine and oak. Basswood is used for the tableboards of the
windchests. Sliders are made of poplar. Pipe shades were designed by Tom Bowen
and carved by Dave Laro.

Working out the stoplist was an exciting process involving frequent e-mails,
conversations and a number of changes. The goal was to create an instrument of
character (Moore character) with a light, responsive suspended action, stops of
distinctive color, resilient winding, and a case which bespeaks its New England

Dave Moore and Thad Stamps drove the organ from North Pomfret to San
Francisco in 72 hours! Christo and I helped them unload pipetrays, blower and
organ parts into the modestly sized music room of our San Francisco Victorian.
Over the next three weeks the organ was erected and Dave completed tonal
finishing. The organ has an unmistakable character reflecting David's vision,
his New England craftsmanship and his musical genius. Opus 27 was celebrated
with a dedication recital played in January 2003 by Charles Krigbaum. At that
time Dave Moore gave a brief demonstration of the organ to an appreciative

Dave Moore prefers to avoid the term eclectic for his organs:

. . . the organs I've made have
a certain sound to them. Pretty full, quite a lot of fundamental, good solid
bass to most things, upperwork designed along the lines of early American
organs . . . I prefer not to have them labeled in any one way. If you say,
"This is an organ constructed after French principles," some people
think that all you can play on it is French music. I prefer to keep the stop
nomenclature in English, so that if someone comes along and says, "Aha!
This is very much like the old Dutch organs, it's perfect for that," they
play that music on it and they're very happy . . . You're much better off if
you can accept an instrument for what it is and play what you can on it.1

Although I have found the organ especially appropriate for playing Bach,
Sweelinck and their contemporaries (having myself played many old organs of
Holland and North and Central Germany), opus 27 does admirably well with the
likes of Franck, Hindemith, Pinkham and Hampton. David Moore and his co-workers
Tom Bowen and Thaddeus Stamps have created a cohesive, harmonious and
imminently musical organ in a little shop in rural Vermont. The sheer joy of
playing this splendid and modestly elegant instrument is, for me, as good as it

--George Becker, M.D.


1. Quoted from the essay "A. David Moore, Organ Builder: An Account of
His Work (1971-1994)" by Kevin Birch, music director of St. John's R.C.
Church, Bangor, Maine.

A. David Moore Opus 27 can be heard at the following website
. Dr. Becker, an orthopaedic surgeon, is assistant organist
at the Old First Presbyterian Church in San Francisco. Contact: George
Becker, M.D., 1375 Sutter St., Suite 304, San Francisco, CA 94109;
415/563-7383 . Cover photo: Sean Vallely


8' Clarabella

4' Principal

22/3' Twelfth

2' Fifteenth

13/5' Seventeenth

(affects entire organ)


8' Stopped

4' Flute

8' Trumpet


16' Subbass

8' Trumpet





30-note, straight pedalboard

Kellner temperament

A = 440

Fabry, Inc., Fox Lake, Illinois, has
completed the renovation of the organ at Zion Lutheran Church, Marengo,
Illinois, originally built in 1960 by Haase Pipe Organs of Chicago as three
manuals and 40 ranks. In 1986 the congregation demolished their old church and
built a new one on the same site. The organ was dismantled, stored, and then
installed in the new building. Over time, the organ deteriorated to the point
where some major work was necessary.

In February 2002, Fabry was engaged to repair, refurbish, and enlarge the
organ. Phase one, completed in October 2002, included a new three-manual
console with movable platform built by Fabry. The new console was fitted with a
Peterson MSP-1000 combination action, multiplex coupler relay and chamber
relay, and is prepared for MIDI. Phase two, completed in February 2003,
included the addition of six ranks of pipework, several additional windchests,
four new wind supply reservoirs, four electric tremolos, a Zimbelstern, and
complete revoicing and re-regulation of the entire instrument. Some of the
existing pipework was repaired and re-racked, and one rank was relocated. David
G. Fabry built all the chestwork, three-manual console, and movable platform.
Joseph Poland handled the installation.


16' Quintadena

8' Principal

8' Bourdon

4' Octave

4' Gemshorn

2' Fifteenth

V Mixture

8' English
Trumpet (new)



16-UO-4, Sw/Gt 16-8-4, Pos/Gt 16-8-4, MIDI/Gt


8' Quintadena

8' Wood
Flute (new)

8' Wood
Flute Celeste (new)

4' Rohrflote

2' Principal

11/3' Larigot

1' Sifflote

III Scharf

8' Trumpet

8' Cromorne



16-UO-4, Sw/Pos 16-8-4, MIDI/Pos


8' Rohrgedeckt

8' Gamba

8' Gamba
Celeste (TC)

4' Principal

4' Spitzflote

22/3' Nazard

2' Koppelflote

13/5' Tierce

IV Mixture

16' Chalumeau

8' Trompete

4' Schalmei


16-UO-4, Pos/Sw, Gt/Sw,



32' Acoustic
Bass (resultant)

16' Principal

16' Subbass

16' Quintadena

8' Principal

8' Nachthorn

4' Choral

II Rausch

32' Bombarde

16' Chalumeau

16' Posaune

4' Schalmei

8-4, Sw/Ped 8-4,

8-4, MIDI/Ped

Bedient Pipe Organ Company

Roca, Nebraska

First Presbyterian Church

Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin

The challenge to Bedient was to maintain the integral parts of an 1889
Steere and Turner, update and expand the organ, while at the same time make the
organ user-friendly and accessible. Opus 72 at First Presbyterian Church,
Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin (II/30) accomplished just that. In 2003, much of the
organ was dismantled and moved to our Lincoln, Nebraska shop where it was
reassembled, and old and new were interlaced.

New additions to the organ are 11 ranks of pipes (including a new speaking
façade drawn from the Principal 8' and Pedal Principal 8'), a new,
enlarged Swell windchest, electro-pneumatic stop action, solid-state
combination action, electro-pneumatic Pedal key action, wind system components,
both keyboards, the pedalboard and an adjustable height organ bench. Retained
and modified were the Great windchest and Pedal Bourdon wind-chest, some of the
façade casework (necessitating the stripping of old paint and careful
matching of cherry wood finish on both old and new parts), and structural parts
of the organ. The entire organ was revoiced to accommodate the newly renovated
sanctuary and blend the old and new pipes to be as one. The new stops are
indicated in italics.

--Gene Bedient


16' Bourdon

8' Principal

8' Dulciana

8' Melodia

4' Octave

4' Flute

2' Fifteenth


8' Clarinet

8' Trompete


8' Open

8' Salicional

8' Voix
céleste (tc)

8' Stopped
Diapason (new pipes 13-58)

4' Spitzflute

22/3' Nazard

2' Doublette

13/5' Tierce

II (1980s addition)

8' Oboe

8' Trumpet
(1980s addition)


16' Bourdon

8' Principal

8' Bourdon

4' Octave

16' Fagott






A Brief for the Symphonic Organ (Part Two)

Part two of two

Jack M. Bethards


The balance of this article will explore some of the methods used by Schoenstein in designing symphonic organs.

Tonal Variety

In planning a symphonic organ, no tone color that might be useful is excluded from consideration, and if something new seems appropriate we will develop it. We see no problem in combining individual sounds from French, German, English and American traditions of different periods in one instrument. This may seem like a dangerous approach, and it is . . . for those who must follow only established rules. If, on the other hand, a designer has in mind a well-formed image of the tonal architecture and its end result, the freedom to include elements of rare beauty handed down to us by the great builders of the past can open new avenues of creativity. This approach is only successful when applied with the strictest of discipline. Anything that does not blend and pull its weight in the ensemble or serve in a variety of solo or accompaniment roles should not be included. Collecting multiple elements of different traditions in an attempt to combine two or more repertoire-specific instruments into one is usually disastrous. The once-popular procedure of building an organ with a German Great and Positiv and French Swell or adding a romantic Solo to a neo-classic design are ideas that have, fortunately, lost their appeal. The goal should be to create an ensemble that has integrity in its own right and is able to acquit itself musically in a number of different styles with such conviction that there is no need to claim “authenticity.”

An equally important rule of design is to avoid making an instrument any larger than necessary or practical. No organ should have more stops than it needs to get its musical job done. No organ should be so large that it becomes unseviceable or acoustically chokes on its own bulk. When too much organ is squeezed into too little space and/or spread hither and yon, maintenance and tuning problems are sure to result. An organ should be of adequate size to be considered symphonic, but that size is much smaller than one might think. The smallest organ we have made that can qualify is the 15-voice, 17-rank instrument in the chapel of the University of St. Thomas, Houston, Texas (see stoplist). Certainly 40 to 50 voices provide ample opportunity for design freedom and 60 to 70 voices are all that should be required even for very big buildings. An example of our approach in a large symphonic plan is at First Plymouth Congregational Church in Lincoln, Nebraska (see stoplist). Note that this instrument has 73 voices if the separate gallery organ is not included.

Our stoplists show how we combine various tone colors, but a few explanatory notes may be in order. When combining individual stops into groups, we think of them in these categories: first, traditional choruses of diapasons and reeds; second, stops of moderate power from all tonal families serving in both accompanimental (manual and pedal) and in solo roles; third, ethereal stops--the extremely soft and delicate tones of the flute, string or hybrid type; fourth, bass stops of exceptional depth and power; and fifth, heroic solo stops. Some stops, of course, can fit into more than one of these categories but the classification is useful in reviewing whether or not the organ has all of the tonal characteristics common to a good symphonic ensemble.

Since the diapason is unique to the organ and the tone most often used, we seek to provide several (with appropriate chorus development), each of distinct character, on organs of even modest size. They vary not only in scale, but in mouth width, slotting, etc. We like to include stops of the echo diapason class (dulcianas, salicionals, etc.) as well. During the organ reform movement, open flutes, particularly at 8’ pitch, were not in vogue. We tend to include more open than stopped flutes. Stops of genuine string tone have not been popular either. This is a sad omission and certainly an organ without them cannot be considered symphonic. We like to include a family of strings and celestes from very narrow to very broad scale, all with true string quality rather than the geigen principal type that served as string tone in neo-classic organs. We try to include at least one of each of the color reeds (Clarinet, Oboe, Vox Humana and, where possible, horns, and specialty stops such as the Orchestral Oboe) as well as a complete chorus of trumpet tone (in large schemes, those of both closed and open shallot type). To broaden both dynamic and color ranges, very soft flue stops (often of the hybrid, tapered types) and bold solo stops (usually of the trumpet or tromba class) are important. In small schemes these effects can be had with stops doing double duty through effective expression.

We have developed several new voices. Some of these are variations on long established styles such as our Celestiana, which is a very narrow scale, quarter-tapered hybrid of clear but very soft flute tone; the Cor Seraphique with its Vox Angelique celeste is a larger scale version. Our Corno Dolce and Flute Celeste are brighter renditions of the E. M. Skinner Flauto Dolce and Flute Celeste. We find this bright character more generally useful in smaller instruments. The Voix Sérénissime is a small scale string of extremely keen intonation but of soft volume. The Silver Flute is a narrow-mouth, non-harmonic version of our large Harmonic Flute. It may be thought of as a metal Claribel Flute. 

The Symphonic Flute is a new development, also called Bœhm Flute, incorporating many different pipe constructions throughout its compass to achieve an interesting effect found in the orchestra’s family of transverse flutes. The flute of the symphony orchestra is bright and reed-like in its lower register with a full, increasingly powerful and pure, bell-like treble. These tone qualities are carried downward to the alto, bass and contra-bass flutes and upward to the piccolo. The Symphonic Flute was realized after extensive studies with flute players and manufacturers, as well as a careful review of Bœhm’s treatise. The tonal character is achieved, as in real flutes, by maintaining nearly the same diameter from bass to treble. The diameter progresses unevenly to achieve particular effects, but it does not reach the half-way point until the 48th pipe. The pipes in the bass therefore are of string scale progressing through principal, moderate flute, a wide flute, to very wide flute at the top. Pipe construction is of five varieties: slotted; non-slotted; harmonic; double mouth harmonic; and double mouth, double harmonic. This new solo color for the organ is both powerful and beautiful.

We employ high wind pressure for beauty, precision, or smoothness of tone where it is required. Solo flutes and strings and all closed shallot chorus reeds certainly have benefited from this treatment. Loudness can be achieved by other means, but carrying power without harshness is most perfectly achieved through heavy pressure.

A final note on tone is perhaps the most important point in this essay: Beauty of tone trumps all else in organ design. Beauty is perhaps too simple a term. Organ stops of great character can be quite bold and assertive, colorful and mysterious, languid and wistful. They are all forms of beauty to my ear. The secret is committed voicing. By that I mean making tone that has something to say, not simply playing it safe with blandness. Anyone who studies organ tone knows what I mean. Great voicing imparts something extra to energize a tone and make it appealing. A single diapason of beautiful quality will outplay a 100-rank organ that is all bluster and blandness. An organ may look symphonic on paper, but if the character of tone is not beautiful, it cannot qualify. An organ of any type with beautiful tone will surpass a poor symphonic one. However, if beauty of tone can be combined with all of the flexibility promised in the symphonic ideal, the result can be sublime.


To achieve balance there must be a center of gravity and in the symphonic organ it is at 8’ in the manuals. Each division should lay its foundation at the 8’ level. This, after all, is where the music is written. In our symphonic concept, upperwork is considered a coloring agent, a way of adding a distinctive character to the 8’ line. Therefore, in chorus design, as a general rule, scales decrease as pitch levels increase. Where we have the luxury of two mixture stops in a division, we vary them in color and dynamic rather than pitch: for example, one at mf and another at ff or one with a tierce and one without. Sometimes the mixture is enclosed separately. We avoid flutiness and overemphasis of off-unison pitches in upperwork; pure, clear diapason tone is the goal. Most 8’ stops, particularly those that must blend with related upperwork, have high harmonic content, a satisfying brilliance in their own right. Eight-foot stops are also regulated in a treble-ascendant fashion to emphasize the melody line; pipes become progressively slightly louder as they ascend the compass from the middle of the keyboard.

Horizontal balance is equally important and we believe that all of the manual divisions should be of adequate power to balance one another; the Swell and Great approximately equal and the Choir only slightly below. Reeds and flues should be equally balanced, but in certain acoustical situations the reeds should dominate. In dealing with chambers or in rooms of dry acoustic, open flute, string, and chorus reed tone are far more effective in producing tone of noble and powerful character than is diapason upperwork.


One only has to see the density of a Reger, Widor, or Elgar score to realize that clarity is vitally important in romantic and modern music--as much as in early music. Many organs just present great blocks of sound. This may be titillating, but it is not music making. The notes must be heard if the intent is to be expressed. Most of the burden for clarity rests on the organist, who must judge his instrument and his acoustic; but the organ must not stand in his way. Clarity is achieved in an organ by many means including steady wind, precise action, voicing for prompt, clean attack and clear tone that is steady and free of irritating chiff, wild harmonics, and white noise.


There are vital qualities of freshness and presence associated with unenclosed pipework, but we believe that having pipes unenclosed is a luxury that can only be afforded in a scheme that also has a full range of resources, including Pedal stops, enclosed in at least two boxes. In smaller jobs the entire organ should be under expression, although sometimes circumstances dictate otherwise, for example where the Great must be placed forward of the Swell. In very large jobs it is good to have tones of similar character enclosed and unenclosed so that each class of tone can be used in its full range of expressive beauty. The best enclosure is masonry. Hollow brick faced with cement is the preferred construction and this points out the advantage of organ chambers in some situations. If an organ is primarily used for accompaniment where dynamic control and atmospheric, ethereal effects are of utmost importance, a properly designed and located chamber is ideal. An enchambered organ is as different from an encased free-standing one as a piano is from a harpsichord. Each has its advantages and each must be designed differently. The enchambered organ requires a stoplist emphasizing stops scaled and voiced for exceptional projection and carrying power, higher wind pressure, and a layout taking maximum advantage of the opening and preventing echoes within the chamber. In recent years chambers have been thoughtlessly despised. It is time to recognize their value as a means of increasing the range of musical options offered by the organ.

Dynamic Control

The symphonic organ must provide the organist with three distinct types of dynamic control: continuous, discrete-terraced, and sudden. These are all qualities common to the symphony orchestra, but often illusive on the organ. The continuous dynamic is achieved on the organ only through the use of the expression box and shades. A good expression box when fully open should not rob the pipes of clear projection and presence to any great degree, but when closed should reduce loudness from at least ff to p. To achieve this, a box must be reasonably sound proof with adequate density to control leakage of bass and must be well sealed when closed: Gaps are anathema to good expression box control. The shades cannot be too thick because their bulk will not permit a full use of the opening. Shades should be able to open 90 degrees. They must be fast acting and silent. Achieving smooth, continuous expression control is one of the greatest challenges in organ building.

To achieve a continuous dynamic range from fff to ppp we have developed a system of double expression, placing a box within a box. (See drawing.) The inner box is placed at the rear of the outer (main) box so that there is a large air space between the two sets of shades. When both sets of shades are closed, the space contained between them provides a very effective sound trap. We place the softest and most powerful sounds inside the inner box of the division. For example, a pair of ethereal strings and the Vox Humana; the high pressure chorus reeds and a mixture. A balanced expression pedal is provided at the console for each box. On large instruments a switching system allows the organist to select conveniently which shades are to be assigned to each balanced pedal. With the shades not quite fully open, the stops within the inner box are at a normal volume level to balance the rest of the division. With both sets of shades fully closed the soft stops in the inner box are reduced to near inaudibility and the chorus reeds are reduced to the level of color reeds. With all shades fully open, the chorus reeds and mixture are slightly louder than those of the Great. The Vox Humana usually has its own shades with a console switch to shift from pp to mf. There are many expressive possibilities with this system. For example, a crescendo may be started using the ethereal strings with both boxes closed, opening the inner box until the level is equal to the soft stops in the outer box, which are then added. The outer box is opened, adding stops in the normal manner while closing the inner box. The chorus reeds and mixture are drawn and the inner box reopened to complete the crescendo. This is done with ease after a bit of practice. During the installation of our organ in Washington, D.C. at St. Paul’s Church, music director Jeffrey Smith accompanied the Anglican choral service with nothing more than the Swell organ for over a month. It was the double box arrangement that made this possible.

The discrete-terraced dynamic requires having an adequate number of stops of similar or related tonal quality at different dynamic levels so that increased power is achieved in increments by adding stops. This effect is realized by hand registration, pistons, or a well-arranged crescendo pedal.

The third character of dynamic--sudden change--is usually done with manual shifts, second touch, very fast-acting expression shades, or a silent, fast and uniform stop action controlled by either the combination action or the Crescendo pedal and backed up by a steady, responsive wind system. Without this, a symphonic approach to organ playing is impossible. Clattery mechanism is annoying under any circumstances but especially so when sudden changes are required in the midst of a phrase, for example, to underscore an anthem or hymn text. We have introduced a device that adds another means of accent: the Sforzando coupler. It is a simple device wherein a coupler, for example Solo to Great, is made available through a momentary-touch toe lever. A fff combination can be set on the Solo and added to a ff combination on the Great at a climactic point with a brief touch of the toe to create a sforzando effect.

Wind System

There has been much discussion in recent decades about the virtue of flexible or “living” wind. If the wind supply were under the direct control of the player to be manipulated at will, there might be some point to argue. Since it is not, unsteady wind has no place in the symphonic organ. The whole point of the symphonic approach is to seek absolute control by the organist of all resources. So-called flexible wind is set in motion according to the design of the system and the demands being placed upon it. The organist can strive to achieve a reasonably pleasant effect, but he cannot have full control over the result. We believe in providing absolutely steady wind using a multiplicity of regulators, not only to make available different wind pressures, but to assure consistent response from all pipes under all playing conditions. Most chests are fed by at least two steps of regulation, each with spring control, so that the final regulator in the system does not have too much differential for which to compensate. A moving bass line should not upset the treble; intervals and chords should not de-tune when wind demand is high. It’s also important for the wind system to have more than adequate capacity to handle any demand and to have quick refill response so that staccato tutti chords will sound firm and full as they do in the orchestra. All too often, organs with great nobility of sustained tone turn into gasping caricatures when the forward motion of the music goes beyond their limits.

Another important wind system effect is a beautiful vibrato. We have developed a Variable Tremulant device, which allows the organist to control the speed of the beat from a balanced pedal at the console. We employ this normally on solo stops such as our Symphonic Flute. The normal, completely metronomic tremulant of the organ seems a bit unnatural when applied to lyrical passages. The Variable Tremulant allows the organist to simulate the more subtle vibrato used by first class instrumentalists and singers. The Vox Humana is also provided with a slow/fast tremulant switch, to fit both general and French Romantic repertoire.


Speed and precision of both key and stop action are critical to the success of a symphonic organ. Key action must be lightning fast on both attack and release and respond uniformly from all keys regardless of the number of stops or couplers employed. Stop action must be fast and clean, i.e., without any hesitation or gulping on draw or release. Again, the entire action system must be silent. To meet these requirements we use electric-pneumatic action with an individual-valve windchest. (See illustration.) The expansion cell provides a cushioning effect similar to that of a note channel in a slider chest. It also allows placement of all action components near one another on the bottom board to reduce action channeling and increase speed.

The most important musical advantage of individual valves is to eliminate interdependence of pipes. With the exception of mixtures, where all pipes of a given note always speak together, we consider it a serious musical defect to place pipes on a common channel where the wind characteristics are different depending on the number of stops drawn and where there is a possibility of negative interaction within the channel. This is especially true, of course, with combinations of reeds and flues on the same channel and/or several large stops using copious wind. Each pipe should produce the same sound each time it is played no matter how many others are combined with it. As with flexible wind, the organist loses a degree of control over his instrument if random changes in pipe response can occur.

The most important reason for absolute uniformity of chest response under all conditions is the fact that pipes do not have the flexibility to adjust for variations in attack, wind supply, and release as do other wind instruments. A trumpet player, for example, can adjust attack, tone color, and release to an amazing degree of subtlety through precisely coordinated changes in breath, diaphragm, throat and mouth shape, tongue motion and position, embouchure, mouthpiece pressure, etc. In an organ, all of the analogous elements of control are set in place permanently by the voicer with the sole exceptions of wind regulator (diaphragm) and pipe valve (tongue motion). The pipe cannot change to accommodate variations in valve action and wind supply. As described before, wind supply cannot be controlled by the organist. This leaves the valve as the only means of control—and that control is limited even on the best mechanical actions. I submit that this element of control is actually a negative because variations in valve action, being different from the one experienced by the voicer, will be more likely to degrade pipe speech than to enhance it. If the key touch can affect attack and release but not all the other elements of tone production, then it follows that the organist is placed in the position of devoting his thought and energy toward avoiding ugly effects instead of concentrating on elements of performance that can be under precise and complete control. By maintaining absolute uniformity the performer knows what will happen every time a pipe is played.

Rather than searching for the elusive quality of touch control on the organ, we believe it is best to enhance speed of response and accuracy. The best way for an artist to achieve lyrical phrasing, clear articulation, and accent is through absolute control of timing. This is facilitated by keyboards with an articulated touch, providing a definite feel of the electric contact point, and an action that is immediately responsive both on attack and release. A sensitive player can then realize the most intricate and subtle musical ideas on what is essentially a large machine. The more the mechanism gets in the way of performance, forcing certain techniques, the less artistic freedom one has and the further the organ strays from the mainstream of instrumental and vocal music.

Flexible Control

We seldom acknowledge that the organist assumes the roles of orchestrator, conductor and instrumentalist—a daunting task to say the least. In effect, he is given nothing more than the kind of three-stave sketch that a composer might give to an orchestrator. The decisions an organist must make about registration are directly analogous to the orchestrator deciding on instrumentation, doubling, voice leading, chordal balance, etc. Since the organ is really a collection of instruments, the organist also has the conductor’s job of balancing the dynamic levels of individual sounds, accompaniments, inner voices of ensembles, counter melodies, and so on. As an instrumentalist he must have virtuoso keyboard technique. To achieve all of this requires great flexibility of control. The temptation is to load the console with a bristling array of playing aids. However, it is easy to pass the point where complexity becomes self-defeating. Here are some of the guidelines we use in designing consoles. First, the console must be comfortable. Dimensions should be standard and then, as far as possible, adjustable to conform to different organists. In addition to the adjustable bench, we have on several occasions provided adjustable-height pedalboards. We use a radiating and concave pedalboard and also non-inclined manual keys on the theory that when changing from one keyboard to another it is important that they be uniform. Controls must be placed in positions that are easy to see, memorize and reach. The combination action should be as flexible as possible providing the organist the opportunity to assign groups of stops to a piston at will. For example, on our combination action with the Range feature the organist can, while seated at the console, change divisional pistons into generals and vice-versa, assign pedal stops to a manual division, rearrange reversibles, etc. Multiple memories, of course, are now standard and of great value.

In addition to the multiple, assignable expression boxes, Variable Tremulant, and Sforzando coupler mentioned elsewhere, we like to include three special Pedal accessories on larger instruments. The first is a coupler bringing the Pedal to the Choir to facilitate fast pedal passages in transcriptions of orchestral accompaniments. The second is a Pedal Divide which silences the Pedal couplers in the low notes and silences the pedal stops in the upper notes. This allows the simultaneous playing of bass and solo lines on the pedalboard. The third is Pizzicato Bass, with a momentary-touch relay activating pipes of the Pedal Double Open Wood at 8¢ pitch. This provides a clear, pointed attack to the bass line reminiscent of divisi arco/pizzicato double bass writing for orchestra. This effect has been very useful in articulating bass lines, which on the organ are otherwise clouded rhythmically. The octave note is hardly noticeable, but the increase in buoyancy of the pedal line is quite amazing.

The most valuable and perhaps most controversial flexibility device is unification (extension). Certainly nothing other than tracker action has caused more argument over the last 50 years. The individual valve system obviously makes unification both simple and economical. Unification offers several musical advantages as we will see, but there are great dangers as well and it is most unfortunate that it has been so misused that some cannot see any of its advantages. We employ unification in symphonic organs, large and small, wherever a positive musical advantage can be achieved. Unification is, after all, merely coupling of individual stops rather than entire divisions. Whereas coupling is generally accepted, unification is not despite the fact that coupling of individual stops can offer a far more artistic result.

Perhaps the most interesting use of the unification is in creating new sounds. For example, to produce the stunning orchestral effect of trombones, tenor tubas, or horns playing in unison, we developed the Tuben (III) stop. This converts a chorus of 16’, 8’, 4’ tubas or trumpets into a unison ensemble by bringing the 4’ stop down an octave, the 16’ stop up an octave, and combining these with the 8’ stop. The three tones of slightly different scale but similar character create a most appealing unison effect and can be further combined with other stops of similar color at 8’ pitch. We have done the same with 16’, 8’ and 4’ Clarinet stops creating unison ensemble Clarinet tone, a common orchestrator’s device and most valuable to the organist for accompaniment and improvisation.

A traditional use of unification is in pedal borrowing from the manuals. We use this device extensively based on observation that one of the most difficult tasks facing an organist is finding a bass of suitable volume and color. We sometimes also borrow stops from one manual to another so that a stop may be used without tying up another manual with a coupler. A common application is transferring the Choir Clarinet to the Great so that it may be played against the Choir mutations. In some cases we derive an entire third manual on a moderate size organ from stops of the Great and Swell. This manual may either contain solo stops selected from both of the other manuals or a combination of solo stops from one manual and a secondary chorus from the other. A recent example is at Spring Valley United Methodist Church, Dallas, Texas. We occasionally extend stops—commonly downward to 16’ in the manuals and occasionally upward. Stops so treated must not be considered substitutes for primary chorus material. In other words, the organ must stand on its own as a completely straight design before any unification is employed. Stops extended upward must have a character of tone such that if a straight stop were to be employed, the scale would be the same or nearly so. Thus, extensions of string stops are much more likely to be successful than extensions of diapason stops.

Unification should not replace the ensemble of straight voices; it should simply make them available in different ways. If a stop can be useful also in another place or at another pitch and if this does not compromise the integrity of the organ’s design then we believe it is wrong not to include the unification. Failure to do so limits the organist’s musical options. The real point of the straight organ design concept is having all of the necessary independent voices even if one must give up some attractive ones to assure good ensemble. Once this is achieved, there is nothing wrong with making the voices you have do double or triple duty. It is interesting to note that in organs of a century ago a solo stop might be contrived through the use of couplers. A stop name would appear on a combination piston, the function of which was to draw a stop, a unison-off coupler, and an octave coupler thus making a 16’ reed, for example, available at 8’ as a solo stop. One can conclude that the earlier builders were not against unification, they simply did not have the practical means to do it. Unification and other devices to enhance flexibility need not be used by organists who do not like them, but to leave them out of the specification is to deprive others the full use of the costly resources the organ offers. Players of other instruments are always searching for ease of control so that their energy can be concentrated on musicianship. Organists might be a happier lot by doing the same instead of idolizing the organ’s ancient limitations.


We may be entering the greatest era in the fascinating life of the organ. The improvement in substitute electronic instruments has released the organ industry from the burden of making cheap pipe organs for customers with low expectations. Builders are working more and more for those with cultivated taste who appreciate an artistic approach to the craft. Organs are seldom purchased as a piece of church equipment as they were in days past. Now there is a place for all types of high quality pipe organs from antique reproductions to historically informed eclectic schemes to modern symphonic instruments. If the organ is to progress musically, it will be through the further development of its expressive—symphonic—qualities and the realization that the organ is a wind instrument ensemble with great potential, not merely a sometimes-awkward member of the early keyboard family.

Reprinted with permission from the Journal of The British Institute of Organ Studies, Vol. 26, 2002. Peter Williams, chairman; Nigel Browne and Alastair Johnston, editors. Positif Press, Oxford.

New Organs


Dobson Pipe Organ Builders,
Lake City, Iowa
University of Delaware,
Newark, Delaware

For years without a pipe organ on campus, the University of Delaware in Newark is now the home of Dobson Op. 74, a two-manual mechanical-action instrument of 22 ranks. Made possible by the generosity of Edward and Naomi Jefferson and named in their honor, the new organ is installed in the original home of Newark’s St. Thomas Church (Episcopal), which stands adjacent to the campus and was purchased and restored by the university for use as a small recital hall. Deconsecrated in 1956, the former church’s subsequent physical decline has been arrested by a careful restoration directed by Homsey Architects of Wilmington, Delaware.
Located in an intimate setting with only seventy seats, Op. 74 has been designed primarily for use as a teaching and recital instrument. It is capable of accommodating a generous range of organ literature and is well suited for use with small instrumental ensembles. Because of the modest size of the hall, the voicing treatment emphasizes warmth and color rather than strength or brilliance. The metal pipes are made of alloys containing from hammered 12% tin to burnished 75% tin. The Pedal Subbass and basses of the manual 8' flute stops are made of poplar and cherry, while the Great Flute 4' has open pipes of hard maple. The instrument is voiced on a wind pressure of 70 millimeters, supplied from a large, weighted, single-rise reservoir.
The instrument’s location in a balcony of modest depth led to the unusual placement of the console on the right side of the instrument when viewed from the front. The Great is located immediately adjacent to the console; the Swell, whose enclosure has shutters on three sides, is in the center of the case; the Pedal is at the left side. The casework is constructed of white oak with a fumed, oiled and lacquered finish, and is embellished with colors and 24K gold leaf. The woodwork of the drawknob console incorporates black walnut, ebony, rosewood, Carpathian elm burl and cow bone. The instrument has mechanical key and stop actions. For increased versatility, a system of mechanical duplexing permits the three Pedal voices to play at both unison and octave pitches.
Dedication series recitalists included David Herman (Trustees Distinguished Professor of Music and University Organist), Thomas Trotter, and William Owen. In addition to being the first organ on campus, the instrument carries another distinction: it is thought to be the first pipe organ whose entire installation, from delivery to final tuning, was broadcast live on the Internet. Video clips and stills recorded by the webcam can still be found at
—John Panning

GREAT (58 notes)
8' Prestant
8' Chimney Flute
4' Octave
4' Flute
2' Super Octave
11⁄3' Mixture IV
8' Trumpet
Swell to Great

SWELL (58 notes, expressive)
8' Bourdon
8' Salicional
4' Principal
4' Chimney Flute
2' Piccolo
11⁄3' Gemsquinte
22⁄3' Cornet II
8' Oboe
Tremulant (affects entire organ)

PEDAL (32 notes)
16' Subbass
8' Principal
8' Gedackt (ext)
4' Choralbass (ext)
16' Trombone
8' Trumpet (ext)
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal

Fowler Organ Company, Lansing, Michigan, Opus 21
Andrews University, Theological Seminary Chapel
Berrien Springs, Michigan

The instrument is centered in the front of the chapel, which seats approximately 400. It is housed in a free-standing case built of red oak with the console contained within the case. The case is a contemporary adaptation of a classic case form with the bass pipes of the 8' Principal/8' Pedal Octave in flamed copper. The upper flat is from the Great Principal, the lower flat is the Pedal Octave, both in polished tin.
Since the instrument dominates the front of the chapel, it was felt that it needed to make a statement of purpose beyond simply being a musical instrument. The pipe shades were designed in collaboration with the builder and carved by Norman Moll; he and his wife Dorothy are significant benefactors to the university and to this instrument. The carvings are symbols that can be seen both in a traditional sense and yet be open to wider interpretation. The center tower contains the circle surrounding the Alpha and Omega, representing God the Father and creator eternal. The other carvings—the dove, the lamp, the book, and the praying hands—can be interpreted in a variety of ways depending on the experiences of the viewer. These are set on a background of rays radiating outward, clad in flamed copper.
The layout of the instrument follows the case design with the Swell in the lower center, the Great directly above, and the Pedal divided on either side. The action is electro-mechanical throughout, and the operating system is multiplex solid state. This includes a multi-memory combination action, transposer, and MIDI control with onboard synthesizer and sequencer. The manual keys are rosewood with maple sharps; the drawknobs were hand turned from hard maple by Mr. Moll’s father.
Tonal design follows an “American Classic” model. The flues are generously scaled, voicing is lightly articulate and clearly defined. The reeds are quite colorful and distinctive. The Great Cromorne, built with “clarinet” style resonators and closed German shallots, has the ability to play solo or blend into the ensemble. The Trompette is extended to 16' with half-length basses and Cavaillé-Coll-style shallots.
—Brian Fowler

8' Principal
8' Bourdon
4' Octave
4' Rohrflute
22⁄3' Nazard
2' Blockflute
13⁄5' Tierce (T/C)
III Mixture
8' Trompette (Sw)
8' Cromorne
MIDI on Great
16' Swell to Great
8' Swell to Great
4' Swell to Great
16' Great
Unison Silent
4' Great

8' Holz Gedeckt
8' Viole de Gambe
8' Viole Celeste (T/C)
4' Harmonic Flute
4' Viola
2' Principal
8' Trompette
8' Cromorne (Gt)
4' Clarion
MIDI on Swell
16' Swell
Unison Silent
4' Swell

32' Resultant Bass
16' Subbass
16' Gedecktbass
8' Octave
8' Bourdon
4' Choralbass
2' Doublette
16' Bombarde
8' Trompette
4' Cromorne
MIDI on Pedal
8' Great to Pedal
4' Great to Pedal
8' Swell to Pedal
4' Swell to Pedal

Multi-memory combination action
Digital synthesizer
Balanced swell expression
Crescendo pedal


A New Aubertin Organ in the German Baroque Style

Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church, Paris, France

Carolyn Shuster Fournier

Carolyn Shuster Fournier is a French-American organist and musicologist living in Paris, France where she is titular of the Aristide Cavaillé-Coll choir organ at La Trinité Church. An international concert organist, she wrote her doctoral thesis on Aristide Cavaillé-Coll’s secular organs. Her writings on French music and organs have appeared in numerous journals.


Choosing a builder

Situated next to the famous Isle de la Cité, the Isle Saint-Louis in Paris, France, is known for its quaint shops and delicious Berthillon ice cream. Upon entering its church, one is struck by the well-lit interior, a drastic contrast to the inner darkness of the nearby Notre-Dame Cathedral. Bernard Aubertin’s organ case shines brilliantly in the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church. (See Photo 1.)
The original 1745 Lesclop organ had been melted down during the Revolution in 1789. In 1798, the church was sold as a national property. In 1817, the city of Paris purchased the church and cleaned it. In 1888, the parish priest, abbot Louis Bossuet, acquired a new organ case, which was placed at the end of the nave. Its first level later lodged a small 15-stop Merklin organ. In 1923, Charles Mutin installed a 34-stop organ in this vast organ case. According to the organist Marie-Thérèse Michaux, it was in such poor condition when she arrived in 1975 that she was obliged to play on the Gutschenritter choir organ.
In 1976, the city of Paris began to plan the purchase of a new organ for the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church, one especially suited to the 17th- and 18th-century Germanic repertory, notably the music of Johann Sebastian Bach.1 In 1977, Georges Guillard2 was named as a second organist of the church. He launched a project for the new organ that proposed the German builder Jürgen Ahrend, well known authority on Baroque-style organs. An association was founded with Monsieur Henry Ecoutin as president. According to Jean-Louis Coignet, the technical advisor for historical organs of the city of Paris since 1979, at that time the rules for constructing an organ in Paris were not very strict, and the city had intended for Jürgen Ahrend to build this organ. Unfortunately, various disagreements between the builder and the administration, notably with the head architect who did not approve Ahrend’s proposed organ case, led to postponing the project on numerous occasions.
In the meantime, the legislation concerning public markets and transactions had become much more rigorous. In July 1997, it was therefore necessary to launch a competition to determine the builder of this new organ. Jean-Louis Coignet established a program of work for the invitation to tender, detailing the 41 stops to be included in this three-manual organ:3


8' Principal
8' Gedackt
8' Quintatön
4' Octave
4' Rohrflöte
2' Waldflöte
11?3' Sifflöte
II Sesquialtera
IV Scharf
8' Krümhorn


16' Principal
16' Quintadena
8' Oktave
8' Salicional
8' Rohrflöte
4' Oktave
4' Spitzflöte
22?3' Nasat
2' Oktave
IV–VI Mixture
16' Dulzian
8' Trompete

OBERWERK (56 n.)

8' Gedackt
4' Principal
4' Rohrflöte
2' Oktave
13?5' Terz
11?3' Quint
III Zimbel
8' Vox Humana


16' Principal
16' Subbass
8' Oktave
4' Oktave
2' Nachthorn
IV Mixture
32' Dulzian
16' Posaune
8' Trompete
4' Trompete
2' Cornet

Accouplements: OW/HW, RP/HW, OW/PW, RP/PW
Tremblants: RP et OW

Around a dozen European organ builders submitted proposals. Unfortunately, Jürgen Ahrend committed an error during the tendering and, consequently, was disqualified. On January 28, 1999, the city chose the French builder Bernard Aubertin.

Bernard Aubertin, Organ Builder, Maître d’Art

Bernard Aubertin (see Photo 2) was born into a family of woodworkers going back to the Napoleon Bonaparte era, originally from Moselle. After studying in Strasbourg, he designed organ cases for various firms, notably for the Felsberg Orgelbau in Switzerland. In 1978, at the age of 25, he founded his own company to build mechanical-action organs with top quality materials in a traditional manner.4 He installed his shop in two large wings of a historic Romanesque priory dating from the mid-twelfth century in Courtefontaine, the region of eastern France known as the Franche-Comté, in the department of the Jura (between Dijon, Dole and Besançon). A fervent collector of 0.60 m gauge railway equipment, several narrow tracks on his property enable him to easily transfer heavy equipment and materials. He now employs up to 14 workers, including his wife Sonja, who is his secretary and accountant. In 1995, the French Cultural Minister named Bernard Aubertin Maître d’Art. On November 10, 2005 the city of Paris gave him the Médaille de Vermeil.
Aubertin organs are installed in the following locations in France, Portugal, Scotland and Japan: the Besançon Conservatory (1979 and 1981), the churches in Sarralbe (1987), Viry-Châtillon (1989), Saint-Vincent in Lyon (1994, with Richard Freytag), Saessolsheim (1995), Vertus (1996), Sainte-Catherine Church in Bitche (1997), Saint-Loup-sur-Thouet (1998), Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire (1999), Saint-Marceau in Orléans, the Nice Conservatory (2001), Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle in Paris (2005), a 24-stop house organ in Faro, Portugal (2003), the University in Aberdeen, Scotland (2004), and for concert halls in Japan: in Shirane-Cho (Yamanashi, 1993), Kobe (destroyed in the 1995 earthquake), Ichigaia, Karuizawa and Zushi.5 Bernard Aubertin has also restored historic organs with a strict adherence to their original nature in Pontarlier (1982), West-Cappel (1984), Arbois (1985), Orgelet (1987), Seurre (1991), Saint-Antoine-l’Abbaye (1992) and Saint-Martin-de-Boscherville (1984). In addition, he builds cabinet organs.6
Instead of constructing direct copies of 17th- and 18th-century historic organs from northern and central Europe as well as France, Aubertin uses them as inspiring models. The craft logo of the Aubertin organ firm sums up his production: it depicts an oak tree being blown by three forge bellows at its roots, with songbirds perched in its branches. (See Photo 3.)
His organs are made of natural materials: solid French oak for the organ cases, the windchests, the wind trunks, the sliders, the trackers, stickers, backfalls and for parts of the stop action; some of the bass pipes are made with chestnut, fruit tree or spruce wood. The sliders are made as wind-tight as possible with covers of soft leather; the stop action may be set between pads of felt, and the lower parts of the windchests are sealed with large cowhides. The metal pipework is made mainly of alloys with a low tin content (35% or less). Some narrow-scale stops, such as the Gambe, the reed stops, and the façade pipes may contain up to 75 to 96% tin. All of the metal pipes are varnished to protect them against handling and long-term oxidation.
Among the unusual stops found in Aubertin’s organs, the Quintinal is a Quintadena in the bass and more string-like in the treble. At his organ in Vichy, the 32' reed stop in the Pedal is labelled “Napoleon.” His use of imitative harmonic flute pipes, overblown without piercing, such as the 2' Traversine at the Saint-Marceau Church in Orléans, is a copy of a 17th-century stop in the Jacobikirche in Hamburg. For his three-manual, 27-stop organ at the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, he incorporated two little pipes that imitate the bagpipe drone. (See Photo 4.)
Several of Aubertin’s organs (Vertus, Orléans and Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle) are tuned in the mild 1800 Young temperament with six pure and six tempered fifths, suitable to a large part of the organ repertory. His organ at the Saint-Denys Church in Viry-Chatillon is tuned in the Kirnberger III temperament. The pitch is often set at A=440 Hz. The balanced, suspended key action is light and responsive. His standard wind pressure for the manual divisions is 95 mm (33?4 inches), and for the pedal generally 105–115 mm (43?8 inches). The 56-note keyboards are covered with boxwood, ebony or bone. The 30-note pedalboards are straight. The Positif keyboard is coupled to the primary manual à tiroir (in a drawer fashion).
Aubertin has a special talent for designing each of his organ cases to blend harmoniously with the building. He often incorporates particular decorative emblems (often various astronomical elements: stars, planets and flames of fire) into his sculptured elements. At the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church, the Trinitarian symbol in the glory that is located in the apse is reproduced in the center panel of the organ case. Likewise, the mystical lamb that overhangs the Positif de Dos corresponds to the lamb on the altar. Another one of Aubertin’s characteristic hallmarks: the pipe mouths of his tower pipes are often decorated with dancing golden flames. In addition, he labels the names of the stopknobs in his own handwriting, in a dark blue (a Prussian blue) and red ink on paper or parchment.
The construction and installation of the new Aubertin organ at the Saint-Louis-en-L’Isle Church In accordance with Jean-Louis Coignet’s initial invitation to tender, Bernard Aubertin had the possibility of making a limited number of modifications in the stoplist, providing that the number of stops did not exceed 45. It was also possible to propose limited changes in the tonal plans, for example, an Unterwerk instead of an Oberwerk. On March 12, 1999, Aubertin submitted an estimate of a 41- or a 45-stop organ. The latter was accepted on August 20, the feast day of St. Bernard. The first order of service for this 45-stop organ was signed by Jean-Louis Coignet, the technical advisor for historical organs, on August 25 (the feast day of St. Louis and Aubertin’s birthday). The work officially began on the organ on September 27, with a delivery deadline of 30 months. Aubertin collaborated well with Jean-Louis Coignet and François Lagneau, the architect of the historical monuments. However, since the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church is classified as a historical monument, the various architectural agreements and work concerning the restoration of the tribune, the staircases, the arches and the two stained-glass windows near the organ took a great deal of time, three years longer than anticipated. From March 2000 to September 2001, the work was interrupted because the Mutin organ had not been dismantled, rendering it impossible to measure the organ tribune, necessary to determine the exact layout of the new organ. The city decided to restore and reincorporate two statues of angels from the former organ case into the new one. Discussions began with Aubertin to add six more stops to the new organ. According to Aubertin, in spite of an obtained tacit agreement, the future May 2001 elections paralyzed any official document concerning these additional stops. From January to August 2002, the work was interrupted again to carry out the photogrammetrical measurements of the church. In August 2002, Aubertin visited several early historical German organs with the American organ builder Gene Bedient, notably the 1750–1755 Gottfried Silbermann at the Hofkirche in Dresden and the 1746 Zacharias Hildebrandt organ at the St. Wenceslas Church in Naumburg. These visits enabled him to choose the six new stops he wished to install in the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle organ. From September 2003 to October 2004, other numerous delays occurred to allow the restoration of the tribune.
In the meantime, Aubertin constructed this organ with the six new additional stops: Allemande 4' in the Rückpositif, Cornet VI in the Hauptwerk, Sifflet 1' and Unda Maris 8' in the Unterwerk, and Bourdon 16', Bourdon 8' and a Tierce rank to the Mixture IV–V in the Pedal. He considers that these additions provide supplementary musical possibilities and augment the flexibility of the instrument for interpretation and improvisation. He explains them in the following manner:

The Rückpositif Flûte allemande is made of stopped pipes of triple length. Its sonority recalls the attacks and the strange sounds of the glass harmonica, whose moving glass containers are made to vibrate with the musician’s moistened fingers. This stop combines very well with the others, adding its characteristic attack.
The Hauptwerk Cornet, known as a maritime cornet because it is used along the coast from the English Channel to the Baltics, includes two 8' ranks in this six-rank stop: one 8' is open and the other one is stopped with very long chimneys. This solo stop fills out the upper range of the keyboard. Its average-size pipes provide a certain elegance. It can easily be combined with the two Hauptwerk reeds to form a sort of Grand Jeu.
In the Oberwerk, the Sifflet 1', found in numerous organs played by J. S. Bach, is the highest pitched stop in the organ and reaches the limit of audible sounds. Its use with other stops allows sonorities close to that of certain percussion instruments, metallophones (Stahlspiel) or small bells. The Unda Maris 8', an undulating Principal stop known since the sixteenth century, in Dresden and Naumburg, is used in fantasies and certain meditative pieces throughout the centuries. Its combination with the foundation stops is appropriate for romantic and contemporary music.
In the Pedal, the Bourdon 1' is a soft, deep stop that can fill out the others without adding heaviness to the entire sound. The large and soft Bourdon 8' with the Bourdon 16' allows a clear and light bass, it gives clarity without dominating the Violon 16' or the Principal 16' and gives the impression of a 32' when used with the Bourdon 16' and the Quinte 102/3'. The addition of the Tierce rank to the Pedal Mixture adds spice and definition to the sound of these pipes, located at the extremities of the organ case. This mixture can also serve as a cantus firmus when used with the Prestant 4'.

In addition, Aubertin added an Appel Anches Pedal at the console that allows the organist to prepare powerful pedal stops and then to add them by simply activating this pedal. This is extremely useful with sudden dynamic changes, often encountered in North German Baroque music. In addition, the Voix humaine stop on the Unterwerk is enclosed in a box whose cover can be opened by activating another pedal.
On November 11, 2004, the completed organ was inaugurated in the Aubertin workshop by Francis Jacob, organ professor at the Strasbourg Conservatory and an organ consultant for the Aubertin firm. In December, Michel Chapuis played it for a delegation from the city of Paris. Finally, in February 2005, the organ was transported to Paris. On March 2, the sub-director of the patrimony of the city of Paris authorized Aubertin to install the six previously approved stops, at his own personal risk. The city had spent all of their remaining funds for this construction on the considerable amount of work that had been carried out by the architects. The organ installation was completed on March 11. After the tuning and voicing of the instrument, the city acknowledged its reception of the 45 agreed-upon stops on March 18. After some final minor adjustments, the official reception of this organ took place on May 9.
Here is the stoplist of this 51-stop organ, with the six added stops in italics:


8' Montre
8' Bourdon
4' Quintaton
4' Prestant
4' Flûte à cheminée
4' Allemande (an overblown Bourdon)
2' Flageolet
11?3' Flûte
II Sexquialtera
IV Mixture
8' Dulciane


16' Principal (façade pipes)
8' Octave
8' Gambe
8' Flûte
4' Prestant
4' Flûte cônique
22?3' Quinte
2' Octave
IV–VI Mixture
VI Cornet (Open 8', Chimney Flute 8', 4', 22/3', 2', 13/5')
16' Basson
8' Trompette


8' Bourdon
8' Principal (beginning at F)
8' Traversière (overblown)
8' Unda Maris
4' Octave
4' Flûte
22/3' Nazard 2' Traversine
2' Octave
1' Sifflet
13/5' Terz
11/3' Quinte
III Mixture
8' Voix humaine
16' Fagott

PEDALE (30 n.)

16' Bourdon
16' Principal
16' Violon
102/3' Quinte
8' Bourdon
8' Octave
4' Prestant
2' Flûte 2
IV–VI Mixture (the Tierce rank was added)
32' Dulciane
16' Buzène
8' Trompette
4' Cornet

Keyboard couplers : I/II (à tiroir), III/II, II/III
Pedal coupler: Great to Pedal
Tremulant I et III et Tremulant II
Appel Anches Pedal
Expression for the Voix humaine


In May, two new organists were chosen to share this post with the organist Marie-Thérèse Michaux: Vincent Rigot7 and the 20-year-old Benjamin Alard.8 On June 19, the organ was blessed by an auxiliary bishop in Paris, Monseigneur Pierre d’Ornellas, and the parish priest, Father Gérard Pelletier. During this ceremony, the three church organists improvised and performed, and George Guillard premiered a commissioned piece by Jacques Castérède entitled L’Hommage à Saint Louis for organ and brass trio. On June 22, this organ was inaugurated by Benjamin Alard, Vincent Rigot, and Michel Chapuis. Alard performed Buxtehude’s Ciacona in C-minor, Rigot interpreted Alain’s Litanies, and Chapuis’ improvisations demonstrated the various tonal colors of the organ. He then played works by Buxtehude, Böhm, Bruhns, and Bach. A recording of J. S. Bach’s Clavierubüng III by Francis Jacob, a member of Bernard Aubertin’s team, was released for the inauguration of the organ.9
On September 18, 2005, a day consecrated to historical monuments in France, Aubertin gave a presentation with Régis Allard, and then Vincent Rigot improvised and gave a concert for a packed church. The organ association of the church,10 presided by Monsieur Robert Ranquet, organized five concerts for the first Europa Bach Festival in Paris and its region from September to December 2005. They were given by given by Pascal Rouet, Carolyn Shuster Fournier, Eric Ampeau, Frédéric Desenclos and Francis Jacob.

The search for a patron

Now that the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle organ is installed and inaugurated, will this organ continue to sound as the builder conceived it, remaining intact for present and future generations? If the funding does not arrive after one year, Bernard Aubertin has said that he might be obliged to remove the added stops from the organ, even though he considers them to be indispensable to the entire balance of this instrument. He hopes that a patron will eventually cover their expense, amounting to 170,000 euros. It took 23 years to choose a builder for the organ at the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church and six years to construct and install this instrument. During those 29 years, from 1976–2005, the city of Paris financed the construction of other new organs at Sainte-Jeanne-de-Chantal Church (Alfred Kern, 1977), Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-Grenelle Church (Théo Haepfer, 1988), the reconstruction of the monumental gallery organ at Saint-Eustache Church (Van den Heuvel, 1989), Notre-Dame-du-Travail Church (Théo Haepfer, 1990), Saint-Pierre-de-Chaillot Church (Daniel Birouste, 1994), Saint-Ferdinand-des-Ternes Church (Pascal Quoirin, 1995), the Conservatoire Supérieur de Paris-C.N.R. (Gerhard Grenzing, 1996) and at Notre-Dame-du-Perpétuel-Secours Church (Bernard Dargassies, 2004). In addition, the city of Paris financed numerous restorations and renovations.
This article renders homage to the various members of Aubertin’s team who worked on this organ at Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle: cabinetmakers Loïc Gaudefroy (Best Worker in France), Thomas Gaudefroy, and Thomas Guinchard; organ builders Michel Gaillard, Olivier Mondy, Jean-Marc Perrodin, Daniel Rey, and Anke Saeger-Blaison; pipemaker Jérome Stalter (Best Worker in France); organist Francis Jacob; apprentice Alexandre Aubertin; and administrator Sonja Aubertin; as well as craftsmen: Serge Bisson who did the wood carvings; Benoït Camozzi, the assistant sculptor; and Marie-Odile Valot-Degueurce, who applied the gilding to the decorations.
The author thanks Bernard Aubertin, Jean-Louis Coignet, and Robert Ranquet for providing her with information for this article.

The Aubertin organ of Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle, Paris

by Bernard Aubertin, Organbuilder, Maître d’Art, English translation by Carolyn Shuster Fournier


The new 51-stop organ that I have built for the Saint-Louis-en-l’Isle Church in Paris is in the style of a 17th- to 18th-century German instrument. I designed it according to the most renowned works of J. S. Bach’s favorite organbuilder Zacharias Hildebrandt (1688–1757), a student of Gottfried Silbermann. The balance between the various families of stops, with its 16', 8', 4' stops and a 32' reed stop in the Pedal, is entirely in keeping with the cantor’s wishes: Majestät und Gravität.
This organ incorporates some of Hildebrandt’s innovative stops: the Violon 16' (in the Pedal) and the Gemshorn 4' (the Hauptwerk Flûte cônique) as well as some Nordic contributions: in the Rückpositiv, the Sexquialtera II is narrow-scaled, the Mixture IV is a high-pitched Scharf, the Flageolet 2' is a Waldflöte, the Dulciane 8' is an Oboe (Hoboe); in the Unterwerk, the Fagott 16' is a Dulcian, and in the Pedal, the Cornet 4' recalls the Cornet 2', as well as the Dulciane 32' reed stop in the Pedal, which Gottfried Silbermann never built. In addition, this new organ contains some colorful stops described in Praetorius’s Syntagma Musicum (1619), notably a Querpfeif (the Unterwerk Flûte Traversine 2') and the Schweitzerpfeif (the Hauptwerk Gambe 8').
The entire organ uses mechanical action and is constructed with noble materials, solid oak and chestnut woods. Knowledge of the practices of our predecessors is absolutely indispensable, especially since they were based on a sensibility that is completely different from our own.

Technical Description

The organ cases

While the organ case conforms more to the curved surface of the 1745 organ gallery than to that of a German organ, its internal structure was conceived in a spirit that respects the Werkprinzip: the Rückpositiv projects over the gallery rail, the Unterwerk is placed above the keyboards, surmounted by the Hauptwerk, with the large 16' pedal towers on the sides.

The windchests

The various windchests are laid out in the following manner:

The Rückpositiv is at the level of the organ gallery.
On the first floor of the gallery, the Pedal foundation stops are placed in the front part of a large double windchest with the reeds behind. The Dulciane 32' is placed against the wall with the Violon 16' on a similar chest underneath. In the center, two diatonic V-shaped windchests are used for the Unterwerk stops.
On the second floor, the Hauptwerk bass pipes are placed on three windchests in the center, followed by two diatonic windchests with the upper pipes located towards the center.

The mechanical key and stop actions

The mechanical key and stop actions are as simple and efficient as possible. The 56-note keyboards are covered with bone for the natural keys and ebony for the sharps. The 30-note flat pedalboard is made of oak.

The wind

Due to the shallowness of the organ gallery (and consequently the organ cases) and to the total lack of adjoining space, the wedge-shaped bellows were placed near each of the windchests. The blowers are suspended in two double isolated boxes placed on the floor of the organ gallery, underneath the large pedal towers. A ventil pedal, which cuts off the air in the pallet box, enables the organist to bring on or put off the prepared stops. The wind pressure is 95 mm for the keyboards and 115 mm for the pedal. This strong wind permits narrow note channels, trunks and conveyances leading to pipes that are tubed off. The windchest pipe valves are relatively thin, allowing a sensitive touch.

The pipework—the voicing

All of the pipework has been made by artisans. The following stops are made of 75% and 96% fine tin:
• on the Hauptwerk: Principal 16', Octave 8', Gambe 8', Basson 16' and Trompette 8';
• on the Unterwerk: Unda Maris 8', Voix humaine 8', Principal 8' and Octave 4';
• on the Rückpositiv: Montre 8' and Prestant 4'.
The rest is made of a tin-lead alloy with a high lead content or of hammered lead, the languids of the flue pipes with 3% lead. All of the capped pipes are soldered on. The wooden pipes are made either of oak or of chestnut. The bodies of the Buzène 16' and Violon 16' pipes are made of spruce from the Vosges. The principal stops have a clear sound in spite of their rather high mouths. All of the wooden pipes have metal lips, that is, the inner edge of the lower lip is planed down and garnished with a metal bar, thus providing:
• an immediate attack;
• a high development of harmonics, notably in the lower pipes, where the human ear can scarcely distinguish the precise pitch of the notes;
• finally, a considerable economy of wind, which is very important in the lower registers of the manual keyboards, limiting the key depressions and maintaining a light touch.
The metal pipework is voiced as naturally as possible with a minimum of nicking on the languids. The feet are slightly closed in the bass pipes.
The design consisted, more of less, of a quadruple plenum:
• the Hauptwerk plenum is deep, full and effective and can be reinforced by the Basson 16' reed stop;
• the Rückpositiv plenum has a much clearer attack, is very present and can be colored by the Sexquialtera II;
• the Unterwerk plenum is more restrained, but can be brightened by the Quinte 11/3', the Sifflet 1', the Terz 13/5' or deepened by the Fagott 16';
• finally, the Pedal plenum is deep, dark, and full, and can be spiced with the Mixture Tierce.
Each principal stop possesses its own characteristic sound, in accordance with the previously described divisions. When the 16', 8' and 4' principal stops are played together with the 16' and 8' Bourdons and the Quinte 102/3', they produce a deep, full and poetic sound.
In addition to these standard stops, there are colorful flute stops, harmonic, with or without holes, and a very narrow-scaled Gambe in the Hauptwerk with its characteristic attack. The Rückpositiv contains a third 4' stop named (Flûte) Allemande. This is, in fact, a harmonic Bourdon whose body length is triple that of an ordinary Bourdon. This stop recalls the Glasharmonika with its strange attacks and its succession of rich harmonies. The same applies to the Traversine 2' with its double length without a hole whose crystalline sonority is doubled by a supplementary pseudo-lower octave sound.' Some of these stops are unknown in France and yet they were used as early as 1560 in northern Europe. As for the Unda Maris on the third keyboard, it also appeared as early as the mid-16th century from Italy to Scandinavia under different names: Voce Umana, Biffera, Piffaro, Unda Maris, Schwebung. This stop allows sounds that are clearly less Baroque. Finally, a colorful Violon 16', with its precise attack, provides definition to the Pedal division.
The tuning of the organ is A=440 Hz at 20°C. The organ is well-tempered with six pure fifths and six tempered fifths according the system of Thomas Young (1800), based on the same principle as the Tartini-Vallotti system (Venice, 1740).

The reed stops

On the Hauptwerk, the conical Basson 16' (C–G half-length) is narrowly scaled, ranging from a deep to a brilliant sonority. In addition, a rather bright Trompette stop can be combined with the double Cornet 8' to form a sort of Grand Jeu. These reeds can be easily combined with the plenum.
On the Unterwerk, a Fagott 16' with a cylindrical body and leathered shallots can serve as a foundation to the plenum but can also be used for smaller combinations. A colorful Voix humaine 8' is installed in an individual expression box that tones down the upper harmonies of this Renaissance Régale. Combined with the 16', 8' and 4' foundations, this stop has the distinctive feature of swelling these foundation stops when one opens the box and thus offers possibilities that are not Baroque at all.
The Rückpositiv contains a well-rounded and colorful Dulciane 8' that can be combined with any stop. The Pedal is quite full, due to four of its stops. A Dulciane 32' (from the family of stops with cylindrical-shaped bodies) provides the indispensable Gravität so cherished by the Cantor from Leipzig in large ensembles. A Buzène 16' (neologism of the Latin Buccin) provides a foundation for the entire building. If one could only place one reed stop in the entire organ, this would be the one. The conical shallots are made of casted tin and leathered. The feet and the blocks are made of oak, the bodies of spruce. All of these various elements combine to produce a well-rounded and full sound whose fundamental clearly stands out from the harmonics (contrary to the French Bombarde). Therefore, the upper harmonies have been weakened. The Trompette 8' with its conical-shaped reeds sounds well-rounded and deep in the bass and progressively becomes brighter in the upper registers. This is reinforced by the Cornet 4' made of tin, which is a very narrow-scaled Clairon in the bass registers and wide in the upper registers (in fact, the size of these thirty notes does not really differ). Each stop played alone sounds gentle and calm but when combined, the 16', 8' and 4' stops produce a majestic sound.
This instrument is by no means a copy of an ancient organ. It is not the latest in fashion. It should be considered as a creation in a given spirit, a creation that would likely bring to life a tradition without nostalgically claiming to bring to life a particular period or any other alleged bygone golden age.

Cover feature


Fratelli Ruffatti, Padua, Italy
Wesley Chapel, Elkton, Maryland

From the builder
Fratelli Ruffatti is mostly known in the United States for building large four- and five-manual instruments with electric action. Two five-manual organs have been completed in the past 15 months, and two four-manual organs are currently being manufactured in the Ruffatti workshop. Few people, however, know that the majority of instruments that the firm produces outside of the United States are of mechanical action.
In tune with the trends and ideas that were coming from across the Alps at the beginning of the 1960s, Ruffatti was among the first in Italy to restore the tradition of building pipe organs with suspended mechanical action. One of the most famous of these instruments is in northern Italy, installed in 1970 in the parish church of the small medieval city of Noale. It is not a huge instrument, numbering 27 stops and 35 ranks of pipes over two manuals, but it became quickly famous from the beginning as the concert instrument for the first Italian competition of young organists. It is still today the centerpiece of a quite famous concert series, involving big names among international organists.
Ruffatti is here presenting to the American organ community an instrument that is quite small, but of large significance. Everyone knows that ancient Italian organs were, for the most part, of small size—one manual, with a limited number of stops—but quite musical and versatile. Since our predecessors could not depend upon a large number of voices to produce variety, they refined their voicing techniques to the point that every sound could be combined with every other to produce the most versatility even within a very limited number of stops. This is the tradition that Italian organbuilders come from and that constitutes the inspiration for Fratelli Ruffatti even today, whether it may be applied to very large or, even more importantly, to small instruments.
The organ manufactured for Wesley Chapel of Elk Neck is a good example of how a very small instrument can be pleasing and effective in spite of its very limited size. With only one manual and a total of six stops, including the Pedal, it is difficult to imagine any kind of versatility at all. However, a few special ingredients grant this instrument a real flexibility: the divided stops, the composition of the Mixture and, above all, the voicing techniques.
Splitting the stops in bass and treble is an old practice in ancient organs, as we all know, and it allows the organist to create two different tonal “platforms” within the same manual. In this case, both the Principal and the Spitzflöte are divided between C and C# in the middle of the keyboard, thus increasing the number of possible combinations. The Mixture, whose composition is shown below, has been designed in such a way that no “double pitches” occur when combined with the 2′ Fifteenth. The Fifteenth and Mixture are conceived as an effective three-rank Mixture when pulled together, but at the same time the Mixture can also be independently used in a “mezzo ripieno” combination without the Fifteenth, creating a very interesting tonal color.
Although English names have been chosen for the stops, as a sign of respect for the users, a number of tonal features are present that link this instrument in many different ways to the classical Italian tradition.
The Principal pipes, both internal and in the façade, are without “ears,” as in the classical Principale. The low octave of the stop is made of stopped mahogany pipes, housed against the ceiling inside the case. They are connected to the windchest through a complicated series of metal windways. A stopped wooden low octave for the Principale is a common feature of the Positivo Italian organs of the 17th and 18th centuries, and effective ways have been refined over the centuries—through proper scaling and voicing—to make the bridge between wood and metal remarkably smooth.
The Octave is of slightly smaller scale, or relative diameter, than the Principal, as found in many historical organs of northern Italy, as are the Fifteenth and the subsequent Mixture ranks.
The 4′ Spitzflöte is an almost identical replica of the Flauto in Ottava, a stop of rare singing quality used by Gaetano Callido1 in his instruments.
With the primary purpose of providing a good foundation, especially considering the rather dry acoustical environment of Wesley Chapel, an independent, real 16′ Bourdon has been provided for the Pedal, with pipes made of African mahogany, which are located behind the organ case.
The voicing technique is probably the element of highest significance. At the lowest wind pressure allowed by the acoustical conditions of the room (65 mm at the water column, or slightly over 21⁄2 inches), all pipes have been voiced with completely open toe and a minimum number of barely visible nicks at the languids. The result is a very pleasing, singing tone without excessive chiff or unnecessary non-harmonic overtones. This constitutes the foundation for a successful blending of the stops as well as for the creation of successful, pleasing solo voices. The pitch is 440 Hz at 20° Celsius and the temperament is equal.
Architecturally, the organ case has been designed to fit in the historical surroundings of Wesley Chapel. Although inspired both mechanically and aesthetically by the ancient Positivo organs, it must not be defined as a copy: its design is definitely a new, original creation. It features a façade composed of 22 pipes divided in two symmetrical sections. Each is topped by a hand-carved panel designed to add beauty to the ensemble while at the same time allowing for maximum sound egress. Two hand-carved wooden elements at the sides provide the necessary continuity between the top and the lower part of the case.
The casework is made completely from solid African mahogany. The keyboard features bone naturals with carved key fronts, and natural ebony sharps with bone inlays. The key cheeks are inlaid with thin strips of bone. The draw knobs are of ebony, with maple insets. The concave and parallel pedalboard (BDO measurements) is made of oak, with the sharps topped by ebony.
The mechanical action is suspended. The rollerboards are made from solid aluminum rollers with wooden arms.
The task of designing and manufacturing an instrument within such a small space has not been an easy one. In spite of this, every part is easily accessible for maintenance and ordinary tuning. The layout of pipes over the slider windchest in particular has been carefully designed to allow favorable conditions for the radiation of sound from all pipes.
—Francesco Ruffatti

1. Gaetano Callido was the most famous Venetian organbuilder of the 18th century. A pupil of Pietro Nacchini, he built over 430 organs in his lifetime, many of which are still preserved.
2. The basic principle of the open toe voicing technique is that of leaving the pipe toe completely open and regulating the sound volume by reducing the opening at the flue, or lower lip of the mouth. By operating this way several advantages are achieved, among which are a less turbulent air supply through the pipe foot and a more focused wind column at the mouth. These features are effective in reducing the “mouth noise” or “air noise” and, consequently, in reducing the need for languid nicking, a practice that can alter the natural timbre and that tends to reduce the development of upper partials in the sound spectrum.

From the organist
Several years back Glenn Arrants inquired: if he purchased an organ, would I play it?—and fortunately I said yes. He then informed me this would be no ordinary organ, but a pipe organ to be built in Italy. Through the months ahead, Glenn kept me informed of the progress.
The anticipation increased over the two and a half-year wait for the organ to be built. Finally we received word it would be delivered to the chapel on July 3, 2007. I was so excited about the opportunity to see this process firsthand, that I took off from work to be there to take photos and witness the arrival.
Spread throughout the chapel were all of the pieces that would be assembled into a pipe organ—in two weeks! I thought I understood the complexity of the pipe organ until I witnessed this firsthand. Imagine my excitement to hear that I would be playing the organ the first time that Sunday morning, although the pedals were not completed—the sound filling the sanctuary that morning was just a sweet taste of what was to come the following week when the instrument was complete.
There was concern that a pipe organ would overpower the small sanctuary and the congregation, but this is not the case. The sanctuary is filled with wonderful music, and the congregation’s voices are supported beautifully. Even with full organ, there is no vibration anywhere in the 177-year old chapel.
To be the first organist of the Wesley Chapel Fratelli Ruffatti pipe organ is indeed an honor, and a once in a lifetime opportunity. One cannot help but think of the dedicated craftsmen who built the organ, all the attention to detail, and the beautiful voices of the pipes. It gives me great joy to be able to sit down and play this organ, so much so that what seem like minutes in time are actually hours of enjoyment—this fine instrument will serve the congregation and community of Elk Neck for generations to come.
—Alice Moore

From the dedication recitalist
It was a great pleasure to prepare a program for the dedication of the new Ruffatti organ for Wesley Chapel of Elk Neck. It turned out to be much less of challenge to prepare for a “small organ” than one might have suspected. The organ is well capable of playing standard literature, Bach and Telemann, and there is, in fact, wonderful variety to be had in various combinations of the voices. Most surprising was the excellent way the organ could be adapted to the modern works of Michael Burkhardt and Donald Johns in hymn-based partitas. Equally important, the gentle and very artistic voicing of this instrument allows it to lead congregational song with all the color and emotion one could ask for in an instrument of larger design. The divided stops are an ideal way to get “more organ” than the package seems to contain. Bravo Fratelli Ruffatti and congratulations to Wesley Chapel of Elk Neck.
–Donald McFarland

A brief history of Wesley Chapel of Elk Neck, Elkton, Maryland
Elkton, Maryland, a city of some 13,000 people, sits on Chesapeake Bay near the Delaware border. It dates from the 1700s and was a strategic crossroads during the Revolutionary War. Washington and Lafayette passed through it frequently, and it is very near the spot where the British landed for their march on Philadelphia. The Wesley Methodist Society formed its congregation there in 1797 and, in 1830, the parcel of land was bought “for and in consideration of the sum five dollars current money of Maryland,” and the Reverend William Ryder laid the cornerstone of a new building in which to hold the society’s services. Handhewn beams formed the 25′ x 30′ single-room chapel on a fieldstone foundation. The little building has several features that make it a particularly important structure architecturally, including a perfect half-circle arched ceiling, and varying-width clapboards that hide its vertical plank construction. Wesley Chapel seats about 50, and is one of the oldest rural chapels still in use in the area.
Glenn Arrants remembers how his mother served as church organist for almost 50 years. She played on an early 20th-century Möller organ, which took up considerable space in the tiny building. In the mid-1990s, the chapel went through a complete restoration and the Möller, which was then beyond repair, was replaced with a restored Estey reed organ. Church members missed the sound of a pipe organ, however, and, in 2005, set in motion plans to acquire an instrument specially built for the chapel. Because of the design work, the quality of construction, and the reputation of the company, Wesley Chapel chose Fratelli Ruffatti, distinguished pipe organ builders of Padua, Italy, to build its new instrument.


MANUAL—unenclosed, 56 notes (C–G)
8′ Principal Bass 25 pipes mahogany + 95% façade + 70% interior
8′ Principal Treble 31 pipes 95% façade + 70% interior
4′ Octave 56 pipes 70%
4′ Spitzflöte Bass 17 pipes 30% 1–8 common bass with Octave
4′ Spitzflöte Treble 31 pipes 30%
2′ Fifteenth 56 pipes 70%
II Mixture 11⁄3′–1′ 112 pipes 70%

PEDAL—unenclosed, 27 notes (C–D)
16′ Bourdon 27 pipes mahogany

7 ranks, 355 pipes
% = percentage of tin in tin-lead alloy

Composition of the Mixture II by itself
1–36 11⁄3′ 1′
37–48 22⁄3′ 11⁄3′
49–56 4′ 22⁄3′

Composition of the Mixture II together with the Fifteenth 2′
1–36 2′ 11⁄3′ 1’
37–48 22⁄3′ 2′ 11⁄3′
49–56 4′ 22⁄3′ 2′

New Organs

webDiap1109p32.pdf (87.57 KB)

The Sweelinck Organ Project at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Antelope, California
Named after the influential Netherlands composer, Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck (1562–1621), this project centers on the creation of a pipe organ of a kind known in Northern Europe in the 17th century. Thus, it offers a glimpse into a musical world of the early Baroque period, with echoes of the Renaissance still clearly audible. Not a replica of any specific organ, the Sacramento Sweelinck Organ represents a synthesis of features common to many smaller instruments from this region and period.
Aside from its anticipated use as an instrument for performance practice study, the organ is played weekly in traditional church services at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Antelope, California, in a deliberate attempt to test the feasibility of using such a highly focused instrument to support modern congregational worship, in this case using The Hymnal 1982 and Lift Every Voice and Sing II.
Research and design of the organ was carried out in 2004–2005 by Dr. Lee T. Lovallo, assistant professor at National University’s Sacramento campus and music director at St. Andrew’s. Construction was begun in late 2005 in collaboration with organbuilder Rick Simms and included help from a number of volunteers. Painting and gilding of the case doors in a traditional design was executed by Sacramento artist Theodore Sanders of National University. The calligraphy of the stop labels and the carving of the motto at the top of organ (“Singen wir aus Herzens Grunde”—“Let us sing from the depths of our hearts”) were executed by St. Andrew’s parishioner George Simpson.
The organ was dedicated on April 18, 2009 by Dr. David Rothe of California State University, Chico, in a recital that featured music from the Robertsbridge Codex through Sweelinck and early Bach. The organ features:
mechanical key and stop action;
hand-pumped, single-fold wedge-shaped bellows and low wind pressure (65 mm) without wind stabilizers;
visual design, including decorated case doors, typical of period instruments;
keyboards and pedalboard utilizing short octaves, period key dimensions and shapes, limited compasses (CDEF GA–c3), and an early-style shove coupler to connect the manuals;
tuning at high choir pitch (Chorton, A = 460) in ¼ comma meantone temperament;
construction materials chosen from locally available lumber, animal hides and glues, and recycled components from older instruments; and
construction techniques employing period joinery and period finishes.
—Lee T. Lovallo, Ph.D.
National University, Sacramento

8′ Prinzipal
4′ Oktav
3′ Quint
2′ Oktav
Mixtur II
8′ Gedackt
8′ Spitzflöte
8′ Regal
8′ Schalmey

8′ Quintadena
4′ Prinzipal (TC)
2′ Blockflöte (TC)
8′ Krummhorn (TC)

16′ Subbaß
8′ Tromba
Nachtigal, Zymbelstern, Tremulant, Calcant signal, Pedal pull-down to HW, intermanual shove coupler, hand-raised wind option


Parkey OrganBuilders,
Duluth, Georgia
St. Peter’s Episcopal Church,
Talladega, Alabama

In early 2008 we received a call from Jim Dorroh of Birmingham, Alabama, regarding the restoration of a 1904 Hook & Hastings tracker organ. Dr. Dorroh had been asked to serve as the consultant for the project. In our discussions, it was explained that the organ had suffered extensive water damage due to a storm-ravaged roof in the spring. We made the arrangements to meet with the committee from St. Peter’s, along with my shop supervisor, Michael Morris.
At our initial visit the organ was unplayable. The water had severely damaged both the Great and Swell chests, along with the felt and leather components in the action. Our firm and several other firms agreed that the only option was to completely remove the organ and restore the entire instrument. The organ was removed and shipped back to our location in Norcross, Georgia, in summer 2008. Once the organ was in our shop, we completely dismantled the rest of the windchests and components for further inspection. As originally suspected, the Great and Swell windchests were a total loss. The metal pipework survived well, though repairs to some of the wooden pipes were necessary.
The organ was originally installed in the First Baptist Church of Talladega in 1904, and subsequently was sold and moved to St. Peter’s in 1934. Though the church constructed a new building at that time, the provisions for space for the organ were not ideal. During reinstallation, part of the façade was installed in the chamber, and the organ sat recessed in its alcove. The organ had gone through some minor renovations in the 1980s. Sometime after that renovation, another builder removed the 8′ Salicional from the Swell and installed an 8′ Trumpet in its place. Due to the pitfalls of changes and “upgrades,” service and tuning was precarious at best.
Working with Dr. Dorroh, we discussed and agreed that new Great and Swell chests were in order. We also discussed the options of some minor relocation of the organ. This allowed most of the chambered façade pipes to be returned their original position in the façade and provided better access for service and tuning. The church also agreed to raise additional funds to allow for the reinstallation of the 8′ Salicional (while retaining the 8′ Trumpet) and to install a needed 2′ stop in the Great division. Since the church was agreeable to extending the organ out of the chamber and new chests were in order, the additional stops were easy to accommodate.
The work ensued and the organ began to take shape in our shop in early 2009. The keyboards were restored in ivory; new stopknobs and stop actions were provided in the historical fashion of the existing stop actions. Existing woodwork was repaired and refinished, and new casework was constructed as needed. The façade pipes were stripped and repainted.
The organ had a blower installed in 1934, which was later replaced. During its replacement, another reservoir was added atop the Swell box. This reservoir proved larger than necessary, and since the reservoir had water damage we opted to install a smaller reservoir. The church also provided a much better blower enclosure space. The original Hook & Hastings double-rise reservoir, though water-damaged and leaking, was intact and in position. Our revision to the winding system preserved the double-rise reservoir, as this is key to the gentle flex and stability of the wind. A new curtain valve box was provided.
As do most builders, we often build new organs; however, projects such as this are a great exercise and study for our staff to experience. As a tonal director, I find it is a good study in the format of building not a recital organ, but a church organ. Each stop in the instrument fills an appropriate position with respect to sound, color, and volume. The organ features a string in each division to balance two colorful flutes, a Stopped Diapason and a Melodia. The organ features Diapasons at 8′ and 4′ pitches on the Great. Our task for the 2′ was to achieve clarity without being strident. After all the pipework had undergone cleaning and regulation back to its original state, many were surprised at the return of color and speech intonations.
The organ was officially heard and rededicated to service on Easter Sunday, April 12, 2009. Dan Miller, choirmaster/organist, played the service, which was presided over by Father Ray Walden, Priest in Charge, and the Bishop of Alabama.
Our appreciation goes out to Dr. Jim Dorroh, Dan Miller, Father Walden, and the congregation of St. Peter’s. How delightful it was that a congregation took such interest in the return of their instrument in the weeks leading up to Easter. The return of the organ on Easter Sunday could not have been more fitting.
—Phil Parkey

GREAT (unenclosed)
8′ Open Diapason 61 pipes
8′ Melodia 61 pipes
8′ Dulciana 61 pipes
4′ Octave 61 pipes
2′ Super Octave 61 pipes
Swell to Great 8′
Swell to Great 4′

SWELL (enclosed)
8′ Salicional 61 pipes
8′ Stopped Diapason 61 pipes
4′ Harmonic Flute 61 pipes
8′ Oboe 61 pipes
8′ Trumpet 61 pipes
(by another builder)

16′ Bourdon 30 pipes
Great to Pedal
Swell to Pedal
Toe stud reversible for Open Diapason stop
Zimbelstern operated via toe stud reversible (later addition)

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