David Petty & Associates, Eugene, Oregon
First United Methodist Church, Eugene, Oregon
The Petty portative is one of four virtually identical mechanical-action instruments made from the same plans. This instrument, designated 2b, is the first of the four to leave the Petty shop. It contains four ranks of pipes, which are an 8' Gedackt, a 4' Flute, a 22⁄3' Nasard (mc) and a 2' Principal. The carvings were designed and executed by David Campbell, a former colleague of the builder from the Brombaugh shop.
The case and carvings are made of quarter-sawn white oak as are the 8¢ Gedackt and the 4¢ Flute. The Nasard is made of cherry and the 2¢ Principal is made of purpleheart. The natural keys are made from yellowheart; the sharps are cocobola. The keycheeks are zebrawood and the thumper rail is made of ebony. The internal components are made from white oak, western red cedar, poplar, maple and sugar pine.'
The organ took over 1,000 hours to make and is entirely hand made, minus the screws. The pipes are winded by an electric blower in the base. The instrument weighs about 250 pounds and is easily movable by means of handles in the case. It is playable at 415 and 440 Hz pitch and can be tuned in any temperament.'
The instrument can be seen in color and great detail on the builder’s website,
8' Gedackt
4' Flute
22⁄3' Nasard (mc)
2' Principal