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New Organs


Karl Wilhelm, Inc., of Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada, has built a new organ for Paris-Yates Chapel at the University of Mississippi. The firm’s opus 152 is built on classical principles and is flexible enough to play a large and varied repertoire of solos and accompaniment. The builder was chosen early enough to collaborate with the architect on the tonal conception of the chapel. The new chapel features hard, reflective interior surfaces, yet with sufficient moldings and openings to avoid undue concentration of sound at focal points, and is in a classical basilica plan consisting of a high, narrow nave with side aisles.

The organ is located at the east end, and comprises 26 stops on two manuals and pedal: 32 ranks, 1,642 pipes. Manual/pedal key compass is 56/30; suspended mechanical key action, electric stop action; single-fold bellows with flexible winding. Principal pipes are 75% tin, flute pipes 28% tin. Open pipes are cone-tuned, stopped pipes with soldered caps. Natural keys are plated with bone, sharps of ebony. Casework is of solid white oak with moldings and gilded pipe shades. Temperament is after Vallotti.

—Karl Wilhelm


16' Bourdon

8' Prinzipal

8' Rohrflöte

4' Oktave

4' Spitzflöte

22?3' Quinte

2' Superoktave

13?5' Terz

11?3' Mixtur IV

8' Trompete



8' Salicional (FF)

8' Hohlflöte

8' Celeste (TC)

4' Prinzipal

4' Rohrflöte

2' Waldflöte

22?3' Sesquialtera II (TC)

11?3' Larigot

1' Scharf IV

16' Dulzian

8' Oboe


16' Subbass

8' Offenflöte

4' Choralbass

16' Posaune

8' Trompete (Gt)



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