Larry Palmer is harpsichord editor of THE DIAPASON.
The Harpsichord Repertoire in the 20th Century:
Petit Lied by Henri Mulet
As detailed in The Diapason for August 2010, a most observant reader, Thomas Annand of Ottawa, brought the existence of a short piece for harpsichord by French composer Henri Mulet to my attention. I had not been aware, previously, of these two pages published in 1910 “for harpsichord (or piano),” but a check of listings in Grove Music Online, a query to Rollin Smith, a referral to Stephen Best (whose organ arrangement of Petit Lied graced the last page of The American Organist for August 2010), and Best’s subsequent scan of the original harpsichord score have made it possible for us to share this addition to the early 20th-century harpsichord repertoire with our readers.
Thanks to all who asked the questions and provided the answers. Now all of us in the harpsichord community may enjoy Mulet’s “Little Song” as this lovely “noel” attains its 100th birthday!