Herbert L. Huestis is a contributing editor to The Diapason.

Those of us whose careers span a fair number of years can remember discovering the magic of word processors and e-mail as computers arrived on the scene: the Commodore, Amiga and Kaypro, before the days of DOS, the PC Junior, and ubiquitous IBM 8088. We were astonished by this new technology. Computer clubs were the source of rudimentary skills--we brought our "lunchbox" machines, with hundreds of diskettes neatly stored in red mechanic's tool boxes.
There were good souls who helped neophytes master electronic bulletin boards and primitive communications programs that enabled burgeoning electronic mail. Most of us enjoyed bending our minds around these new concepts and in the early '90s the stage was set in the organ world for an electronic pipe organ list.
At the University of Albany, a "list server" was made available by Ben Chi, a systems analyst who, with Dave Kelzenburg and Dave Schutt, created "Piporg-L," one of the first and definitely the longest running pipe organ discussion list. The idea of pipe organ "conversations" caught hold and persisted through thick and thin. This once-fledgling list is now ten years old and going strong! It boasts over 1,000 subscribers and, though this number fluctuates, it gives an immediate indication of how popular the Piporg-L list is. January 15th officially marked its tenth anniversary. I hope the three "list owners" celebrated!
There is a certain recreational quality about these specialty lists, and that characteristic seems to be at the heart of Piporg-L. One can "tune in" on a variety of themes, but it soon becomes clear that the list thrives on variety--lots of it. Topics are as wide ranging as one can imagine. Sometimes emotions rule, and exchanges can get heated. Flames lick at the fabric of the list, and from time to time "owners" have to intervene. It's all pretty exciting, both to those who participate with gusto as well as to those who "lurk" in the shadows.
There are some aspects that I have found endearing, if one may use that term in reference to an Internet list. They are presented here, in no particular order, except as I remember them.
Conferences and conventions
Leading up to an organ event, there is often a scramble among list members to meet and put names and faces together. This is welcome solidarity and makes for easy communication with organists who first meet at a convention.
Questions are often "put" on the list to help solve problems encountered by organ technicians and builders. In my personal experience, the organ list has made the difference between being well informed and learning too little, too late to avoid bitter lessons. All that is required is to put out your S.O.S. message in a clear and concise way, and it will be answered, often with great thoughtfulness.
Time flies when you are having fun
An amazing aspect of the list is the speed with which new organs are discovered and how they may be discussed (and dissected) in the course of a few days. There are no longer secrets in the organ world! The characteristics of a new organ, the room in which it stands, and the players who bring on its first breath of life are recorded for posterity and promulgated by official and unofficial observers and enthusiasts. Concerts and symposia on new organs are no longer events for the media and cognoscenti. They are open forums, attended by live audiences which, through the efforts of list members, disseminate impressions and provide a "bird's-eye view" of pipe organ activities accross the land.
It is said that the Internet has actually failed to accomplish some of the big ticket items that its corporate sponsors hoped to achieve. That it has grown in an independent way, without de facto leaders, does not mean it has grown without leadership. Growth just comes from within. This is a subtle point, but important, that the entity we call the Internet, and all its subsystems, of which Piporg-L is one, are free to evolve according to the input and output of its own members. This is a happy thought as Piporg-L enters its second decade.