The organ world of the Internet is indeed awash in web pages--a tangled mass of advertising with each "www.com" page clamoring for the "net-surfer's" attention. Some are merely informative sites, while the greatest share are "home pages" of organ builders and technicians. No one wants to be left out of the world wide web--there are books in every drug store promoting the benefits of advertising on the Internet. Someone behind every new web page is hoping for a bit of the largess that is promised by the purveyors of a new form of drug store novel: How to Succeed on the Web! What was once a vehicle for research and information is looking more and more like a topsy-turvy "yellow pages."
That being said, the situation will surely get worse before it gets better. Here and there one finds various sites that guide the earnest user amongst and between the "billboards," so they can find topics of real interest. The first bit of advice to organists who want to let their "fingers do the walking" on the Internet is to start with major "links" in the organ world, rather than trying to sort out the thousands of entries that are listed on the "search engines" like Webcrawler, Lycos, Yahoo, InfoSeek and Alta Vista.
Some links are found right where you would expect them--for example, The American Guild of Organists at http://www.agohq.org and the Royal College of Canadian Organists at http://www.capitalnet.com/~rjewell/rcco.html. Many fine offerings may be found at "Pipe Organs and Related Topics" at http://uacsc2.albany.edu/~piporg-l and of course, The Diapason at http://www.sgcpubs.com/thediapason.html and The Osiris Archive at http://osiris.wu-wien.ac.at/earlym-l/organs.
A most unexpected listing of pipe organ subjects appears under the "Nerdworld" banner at http://www.nerdworld.com.nw8061.html. Here the reader will find the American Pipe Organ Builders Association pages, resource pages for finding recordings of pipe organ related compact disks, and the usual organ builders' home pages!
Enough of internet jargon--perhaps it is useful to highlight typical people and places that serve as tour guides to this electronic malaise of competing "addresses." There are a few personalities who have emerged as leaders in "OrganNet" happenings. Here they are:
Ben Chi and Piporg-L
The Piporg-L list remains as the most successful email gathering place for organ enthusiasts. The links presented here are logical and well organized. An evening spent perusing information and organizations here will be rewarding indeed.
Steve Fox and The Seattle Pipe Organ Scene
This is a fine example of "area" tours that are available on the net. Similar examples may be found all over the world. Armchair travelogues abound, and thanks to the web, world-wide commuters can plan the itinerary of any trip around organs of a geographical area. Steve can be found at http://www.eskimo.com/~sfox/seaorgan.htm.
Maureen Jais-Mick and AGO online
Ongoing columns in The American Organist serve as an excellent guide to OrganNet surfers. Its not a bad idea to clip out these columns and keep a little notebook of worthy places. Look for Maureen at http://www.agohq.org/-tao/agonline.html
Ross Jewell and Christopher Dawes of the RCCO
These two gentlemen are the "communications" department of the RCCO and their guide to the net is very focused and well organized.
Nerdworld links are available in an extensive number of subject areas and topics of interest. This straightforward listing tends to highlight important organizations and associations and picks up important links that are hard to find elsewhere.
Here are a few tips to help unravel the morass of information you will encounter in a typical jaunt on the Internet.
Bookmark your interesting links
All internet software has long provided a means to "bookmark" points of interest found in an evening's surfing. That little mouse button called "add bookmark" can be extremely handy if you want to return to the scene of the crime to gather a bit more information later.
Saving documents
"Control-S" usually saves the document you are scanning directly to your computer. It's a sort of "quick ftp" meaning "file transfer protocol." That means you can almost effortlessly gather complete web pages and organ tours by "copying the file," or "saving as . . . "
Open a simultaneous word processor while you are "surfing"
It can be most helpful to open a word processor in your computer before you open your web browser. This means that if you come across an interesting address or site location, you can "copy" a bit of the screen text you encounter for future reference.
Keep a "link" notebook
This is the usual enjoinder to "organize your thoughts." It seems that "surfing" on the net suggests that the computer user is mindlessly floating from one bit of information to another, when in fact, we know that the human brain does not actually have to operate that way. Many folks are natural organizers in many aspects of their life, and once they sit in front of their computer, they have the option managing their time there, just they do in other aspects of their work and leisure. It's odd that people who would not take a motor trip without a planned itinerary will park themselves in front of the computer screen and mindlessly click the mouse without thinking "where am I going and what am I doing?"
Take heart. You can plan your computer commute the same way you plan other activities. As they say, "Just do it!" If you take the time to write down your preludes and postludes and choral anthem of the week--you can make a few notes of the sites you want to visit--that way you can reduce your computer time a bit, so that you don't raise the dander of the "computer widow (or widower)" in the other room. Bon Voyage!