The Cathedral Ringers Handbell Ensemble, under the dirction of Frederick Teardo, will perform a free, 30-minute concert of seasonal music.
The Cathedral Ringers Handbell Ensemble, under the dirction of Frederick Teardo, will perform a free, 30-minute concert of seasonal music.
Paul Mosteller, baritone, and Frederick Teardo, organ, will perform a free, 30-minute concert. Mosteller is Professor of Voice at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Teardo is Director of Music and Organist of the Cathedral Church of the Advent.
The Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Frederick Teardo, will perform music of internationally-renowned Birmingham composer K. Lee Scott. The concert is free and open to the public.
Joseph Sargent, recorder, will perform a free, 30-minute concert, along with other msuicians. Dr. Sargent is Assistant Professor of Musicology at the University of Montevallo, where he directs the Montevallo Early Music Ensemble.
Bruce Ludwick, Director of Music and Organist of the Cathedral of St. Paul (Roman Catholic), will perform a free, 30-minute concert on the 100-rank Grieb-Williams Organ at the Cathedral Church of the Advent (Episcopal).
The Cathedral's Mid-Day Music Series opens with a free, 30-minute concert in Clingman Commons by Sarah Nordlund Dennis, violin; Laura Usisken, cello; and Smith Williams, piano.